Wednesday, November 13, 2013


There is this illusion where all that we see appears to be outside of us, as though we are inside looking out. Do not be fooled by this trick of the mind. We are the inside and outside looking at each other. And believe it or not, the world we look at is really our self in disguise. But like a dog who sees his reflection in the mirror, he doesn't recognize that the image he sees is a reflection of him. We do the same thing when we look at this world. - Gary W. Williams

Monday, October 7, 2013

Level of awareness

 Part III of Vision with a message will come soon. For now I want to post about a vision I had years ago that is starting to mean something to me now.

 I was relaxing in my bedroom just allowing my mind to drift where ever, not holding any thought for more than a second and suddenly I was standing on what looked like a window sill. It was just the frame, no glass, and I was looking out into what looked like space except it was totally black. Suddenly illuminated objects were coming from the blackness showing themselves to me and moving past out of sight.

 Things like E=MC2 and great inventions were revealed to me. Then I started hearing answers to questions I was just about to ask. Understand what I just said. The answers were arriving before I even thought about asking. But the second I had the answer I knew I was about to ask it, if this makes sense. I was left with such a powerful feeling of awe, as if I had been communicating with God the creator.

 There is a lot more to the vision but language does not have a way to explain the rest, it was beyond words. It's like the old saying, you had to be there. So recently I heard a statement that brought me back to that vision and it was trying to tell me something again. After some thought it seems to me that what I am getting from this is the following..

 Everything exist in potential. This is what physics and quantum physics proves. Every ingredient is available in the spirit world to produce everything imaginable. Just like a food recipe, one cup of this and a half cup of that, a teaspoon of something else and a tablespoon of something else and you mix it together and it manifest physical objects. If you expand your awareness into the deep soup of all the ingredients you can produce things like binary code for computers, or flying machines, etc.

 Our current awareness is at a very low level because we have not been told how to tap into our true power. This is a dark secret of the elite and they do not want the average person to have this knowledge, so it has been suppressed. Sometimes we slip into the vast awareness by mistake and that's when great discoveries are made. Do you understand how amazing technology is today? I am using a computer to create this blog and it will be posted on the world wide web and anyone who has my blog address can read it anywhere in the world. All becuse people had an awareness beyond our normal limited one we deal with daily.

 They came up with Binary Code using ones and zeros, in certain order, which is then translated by the computer into words and images we can understand using our senses. If you know how to expand your awareness you could be the next Bill Gates and become a billionaire. Or better, become the person who discovers a way to feed and shelter the worlds hungry and homeless.

 Today we have a war on everything. Everything except what matters. Why is there no war on homelessness, or a war on hunger? Because they can't figure out a way to profit from it. Those who know the secret of awareness are dark greedy and sick people who only see how they can profit off of others lack of knowledge. They have no heart. When the average person looks at a picture of Mal-nourished children we feel such a strong sense of sadness  and our soul cries out for them. When some of the elite looks at the same picture they see people who didn't work hard enough to achieve better things for themselves. It matters not that they have no way of educating them self or resources to start a business. It matters not they were born into poverty and live their life in poverty isolated from the world. To those who have so much abundance 1000 generations from now will still have plenty, those starving children are getting what they deserve.

 The world seems cruel and heartless today because we live such a sheltered life compared to those in third world countries. As Terence McKenna said, people are waiting on the apocalypse when it has already happened. People living in third world countries are facing the apocalypse every day.

 That's all for now. G 

Friday, September 27, 2013

Vision with a message part 2

                                   Vision with a message Part II
 Each thing we saw in this bizarre vision we had together I am trying to make sense out of it. Even though it's been a few years, it is still very vivid in my mind. Science can not be of help when they deny metaphysics because they cannot measure it.

 The Reptilian Guard;

  The cave like area we found ourselves in that day is located somewhere in our reptilian brain. The reptilian brain is our most primitive brain. It is the first brain we developed. It is the key to our survival. All our basic instincts come from there and now I believe it also is the hiding place for our shadow, as Carl Jung called it. The shadow is the depository for all the things we were taught to be ashamed of, feel guilty about, and it is where our suppressed expressions of our self goes when culture will not tolerate them. Maybe that was what the sleeping spirits represented. The guard is there to protect us from hurt, pain, rejection, and it the driving force of sex, since survival means passing on the DNA so that the reptilian brain continues on.

 The reptilian brain works in the dark, or sub-conscious mind. We are almost always unaware of it. The guard became very upset when my daughter and I were there in body, or awareness. Because we brought light into the dark room, and that just doesn't happen. The reptilian brain even though primitive, is a very strong force within our sub-conscious mind. Any time we attempt to do something that the reptilian brain or "RB" feels is a threat, the "RB" keeps us from doing it. If you have been rejected by a number of girls (if you are a young man) after a while the pain becomes too much and you will stop trying. The "RB" does this to keep the hurt from repeating.

 The "RB" sometimes cannot prevent you from doing everything. It is in a battle with your higher mind and becomes helpless when we are depressed, or feel like things are hopeless, and thoughts of suicide pop up in our minds. So what all this is telling me is, we are prisoners of the sub-conscious reptilian brain as long as we hide in there. All of our repressed and suppressed parts are locked in there because we were taught they were ugly, or shameful. Until we can bring our entire self into the light of consciousness, we are stuck. Which is what the rulers want. They have designed a program that insures they stay in business as leaders, keep us bound by shame guilt and fear, while they rape and pillage us and the entire planet we live on.

 I hope some of this makes sense, and I will write more later as I have these revelations.
 Peace, scarygary, icthetao.......

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Vision with a message

This is from a vision my daughter N.R. Williams-Case shared one fine day. I had just said to her, none of this is real, meaning the outside world we see through our eyes. Right at that moment we were in a cave, or underground. In this cave like room was a half glass dome, very big. Sitting in chairs was a room full of sleeping spirits. We were separated by about five to seven sleeping spirits. We were both leaning back in our chairs looking at each other in dis-belief. The two of us were in bodies not just spirit form, we were glowing, as if we were filled with light.

 Attached to the sleeping spirits were helmets with four tubes attached to each helmet. I could not tell where they went, and the chairs were arranged in a half circle with the big glass dome in front of them. Suddenly in the right hand hallway I saw an ugly, almost reptilian looking guard making a strange growling noise in a panic like a scream, he was headed toward our area and we were surly going to be found out. Instantly we were back in the car sitting behind Huck's on Hart St. in my home town. 

 Either we were unhooked for a moment or we visited there to see something important. I've come to the conclusion that all these visions my daughter and I have are not literal but symbolic trying to get a message to us. That was the first and only time we had the same vision at the same time, which to me gives reason to take it very seriously. We both saw the exact same thing, and it was overwhelming. In the old Star Trek TV show they would beam down to a planet and beam back to the ship. This is what it seemed like. One second we were in the car talking about our visions and research, the next we were in a rock room like a cave, then right back into the car. So with all our years of research seeking true answers to metaphysics, God, and Spirit, this is part one where I am attempting to put into mortal language what this vision said to me. I hope it makes some sense, and just maybe it will resonate with whoever reads this, and can be a help to them in their own search to know themselves. This will probably have several parts to it, because of the limitations language has compared to our original communication skills. Here goes;

Part one

Vision message. By G.W. Williams 09/2013

 OK, starting with our parents, church, school, siblings, friends and family members, we are taught what is important. Or at least what the monkey's have been trained to believe is important. They have us focused on the physical world, and we are told the imagination, the spooky part of our mind is all fantasy. Science, continues to this day to only focus on what we can experience through our bodies senses. They cannot explain visions, premonitions, and telepathy, therefore it is a figment of our imagination, which is fantasy, worthless. That's the reason so little is spent in lower education on the arts. Using our imagination is dangerous to the system of culture that we find ourselves in.

 Our basic brain functions are very simple. We are attracted to pleasure and repelled by pain. We want to be accepted and do whatever it takes to get accepted by our parents, teachers, friends and others. It is embarrassing to be singled out in class and made fun of while the whole class laughs at our pain. When we are about to do something our brains sorts through the data making sure to avoid anything that may bring back those laughing children making fun of us. So with all this we have forsaken our divine self in order to fit into this world. Even when we are rebellious, there are certain lines we do not cross. And it is not even done on the conscious level, it's done on the sub-conscious level before it reaches the consciousness. It's the ultimate filter we are not aware of.

 By having us focus on the physical side of our existence, we hide the spiritual side in the shadow of our mind. A normal spirit is a white color, one which holds light. What I saw in the vision was darker, asleep spirits that were dark gray bordering black. Eating the symbolic Apple from the TOK (tree of knowledge) and then covering our nakedness was a message to be understood. We choose physical life over spirit, the fig leaves was hiding our spiritual nakedness, all the stuff we are told is wrong with us or ugly, or perverted about us. We have placed shame and guilt over our spirits making them dwell in darkness and that's why they sleep. That and we have no use for them consciously. Eve took the fall because she is the imagination and will accept all data as is, with no logic to sort the truth from lies, so consciousness took over, or dominated Eve in the garden because she can't be trusted to stay away from deception.

 But they know how to get to her covertly, and then, once she has the data repeated enough times she makes it a belief and transfers that believe over to Adam or the conscious side. Adam believes things yet knows not why, this is why. Since our spirits are covered with guilt and shame and asleep, the four tubes allows for monitoring all data from the conscious and sub-conscious minds. One outgoing one incoming for the two sides.

 We are cut off from the sub-conscious side because we hide parts of our self there and we fear looking at those parts because they are painful and not acceptable to the world we live in. 

 (to be continued) 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

How to take back our power

 We the people of the world hold the true power over our own lives. The fear generated by various leaders all over the world, is the boogie man generator. The reason for the fear of terrorism, the fear of illegal drugs, the fear of everything is control. When leaders produce a boogie man that causes people to fear for their safety, they will demand a leader to save them. It keeps leaders in the business of leading. Why would we need a leader if everyone took responsibility for their own lives and placed fear in the minds of all potential boogie men, or women. The last thing the boogie man wants is a hard time. If he knows you have the means and the guts to protect yourself and your family, he is not likely to try to harm you. We have nothing to fear but fear itself. FDR.

 So we really don't need a leader for that. And when is the last time any politician who is supposed to represent we the people, represented anything important to the people. Obama is a sick joke. Hope and change my ass. Our economy is in the toilet, and as soon as he is elected, (the first time) he appoints all the people from wall street to cabinet post, telling us they know how to fix it, when the truth is, they are the ones that got us into this mess. So they talk him into bailing out the banks with tax dollars, when those people at the banks should have been bailing out of jail for criminal activity. If an average person pulled a con on someone like the banks did, they would be locked up and the key thrown away. Where is justice? There is no justice for the people. In fact more and more, laws are being passed to protect corporations and big business from getting sued or charged with crimes when the fuck us over.

 So how do we take back our power? It's very simple and no blood has to spill. Stop participating. Look, if we stop voting for any clown running for office, I mean not even show up at the polls, what kind of chill would run up the spines of those who keep this voting illusion alive. They will not know what to do. They have these selected candidates who have spent millions on selling their lies to you, and no one shows up to vote. This would have a far reaching message to those behind the scenes that really run the show.

 Stop joining the military. We don't have a draft in the U.S. because there is no shortage of stupid people who are hypnotized by media spin and get all pumped up about going to a foreign country and killing people. They do this out of fear even though they seem to be over dosing on testosterone, they fear the boogie man might bring it to us so they go there to kill first ask questions later. How stupid does one have to be to think it's a good idea to join the military in today's world? Constant wars, conflict, and killing going on all over the world, yet our prez can receive the Nobel  Peace prize in his first term.

 Freedom does have a cost, but that does not mean having a slaughter house military. They keep killing them and we keep sending them more. Why? Our military is supposed to be for the protection of the home front, not forcing democracy onto other countries. Unless they are attacking us on our own soil, it is none of our business. This moral obligation card they keep playing is bullshit. We have a moral obligation not to kill our sons and daughters fighting wars that do not involve attacks here on our land.

 The way to take back our power comes when we finally say enough and stop voting for the crooks, and stop letting our children sign up to die in other countries so the war machine can profit. America spends more on military than all the other countries combined! Do you understand this? Like any business, you don't spend money if you are not making profit. They pay for defense with tax money, yet the people who profit from war do so by selling war machines and food service and weapons of every kind. Who are these people? It's not surprising that most defense contractors have for board members former senate, congress, and presidents. And the rich keep getting richer because we are stupid and do not think.

 It's time to wake the fuck up, start thinking, and put these bastards our of business by non-participation. What are they going to do, force us to vote, force us to carry on their wars? Imagine the message these two things alone would send. There are hundreds of ways to stop participating, but these two need to be first, and they will know then what it is like to be shocked and awed for a change.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Image of God

[ih-maj-uh-ney-shuhn] Show
the faculty of imagining, or of forming mental images or concepts of what is not actually present to the senses.
the action or process of forming such images or concepts.
the faculty of producing ideal creations consistent with reality, as in literature, as distinct from the power of 

creating illustrative or decorative imagery. Compare fancy (  def 2 ) .
the product of imagining; a conception or mental creation, often a baseless or fanciful one.
ability to face and resolve difficulties; resourcefulness: a job that requires imagination.

 Science has shown that a person who imagines something, compared to actually seeing or doing something, is the same to the mind. The mind cannot tell the difference between reality and fantasy. Think about that. If you whisper a fantasy into the ear of the imagination, repeating it often, adding detail and visualizing it as if it is really happening, the mind will assume it true.

 How does this compare to Adam and Eve? Adam is your left brain, the dominate side, which explains why men dominate women, because of the wrong interpretation of the meaning, and Eve took the fall because Eve represents the right brain, the imagination side, the one that cannot tell the difference between fantasy and reality. The fall of humankind is due to the closing up of the imagination through trickery, and living only through the left dominate side of our brains.

 The imagination is the image of God we were made in, meaning all things are possible in the imagination, and the forbidden knowledge was the map of the brain and how to use the two brains against each other to bring us to this point. Words, language, that is what created the prison for our spirit, our soul, our imagination, our image of god we were endowed with. The Tower of Babel, was telling us our language was changed. We went from speaking a language that gave us power to one that caused mass confusion. The new language reduced the awe and wonder of everything to a word, a label.

 I think it was Terence McKenna that told the story of a baby laying in his crib when suddenly a beautiful thing came in to his awareness. It fluttered around the room, it was of many colors and made funny noises as it fluttered. The babies eyes were wide with awe and wonder as he watched this thing fly around his room, he was making cooing noises and blabbering. When the Mother heard this she went to check on him and saw what was causing him to make noises, and said, that's why you are so excited. It's ok honey, it.s just a bird, just a bird. So this amazing creature that was so wonderful at first was reduced to just a bird.

 So capturing our imagination, our spirit of God, we became sleep walkers on earth. We appear outwardly to be awake. We even have intelligent conversations with each other, but internally, the eternal part of ourself, the Image of God we were given, was put to sleep. Surely you will die said God about eating the fruit. God was telling us that we forsake our God within by manipulating our minds, our imagination.

 Religion is the supreme manipulator of the mind using words. Fear of God's wrath, fear of Hell, fear of many things keeps us in line. Then we rob our children of free will by forcing our religious views onto them. Even if you don't physically or mentally force them to follow your religion, through repetition we slowly capture their imagination, convincing them, covertly, that our religion is true. Our imagination buys that lie and bam, it becomes a prisoner to it. Once we believe something with every fiber of our being, it closes off the imagination so that it cannot be changed, and it does not have to be true.

 A little over 500 years ago the entire world thought the earth was flat. That did not make it true in reality, but it made it true to them. Are you starting to see the truth here? Are you beginning to see how they have used our own minds against us? I will write more on this subject later, but for now, think about this. This is powerful knowledge if understood correctly.    More later. G

Friday, August 30, 2013


 All around me I see people with misguided focus. Taylor Swift, to Syria and the pending WW III. While Syria is a cause for concern, there is little you and I can do about these ignorant, sick and twisted people running our country in the ground. The majority of the worlds population cannot hold their thoughts long enough to think about serious things like Syria anyway. And those who are either partially or fully awake are so out-numbered we dare not make a stand. But what I've come to realize is, we cannot force others to see what their blind mind refuses to see, we cannot shake them awake, and we cannot get them to realize that the surface of these events is not where their focus should be, so the best thing to do right now is work on ourselves.

 I recently came across an article talking about anonymous being made up of computer genius's and a lot of them in the military. The article explained the ways in which they were trying to counter what the Federal Reserve and our own leaders are trying to do, which is to bankrupt our country. What is the motive? Well now let's think about that. Take a place like Haiti. It has had some bad times, and economically it is a third world country. Why is that? Doesn't it have resources to export and goods to sell locally? Why yes, yes it does. But there is this one problem.

 When countries run into financial problems, bankers, well, sick con-men who is titled bankers, will offer to help them out financially. They do not do this out of the kindness of their hearts. No, they charge high interest and they use a countries resources as collateral. Did you get that? They know sooner or later the loan the offered will go bad, and when you can't pay, the bank forecloses on you and takes whatever collateral you signed away. Which could be fruit, like in South America when Dole and the CIA under the direction of our  leaders took away all the fruit growing operations and left them with nothing except low wages and a life of slavery.

 So if they can break us, which is already in the final stages, we will be offered this mafia style loan which will be impossible to pay back, and then we lose our entire country. You see people, with wealth and power comes monsters. The more wealth the more power, the more intoxicated they become. It's like the most addictive drug known to exist. Look at the police departments all over this once great land for an example of what power will do when left unchecked.

 The police are supposed to serve and protect. We pay their salaries. Little by little they have gained more and more power until now, even innocent people are being beaten and killed on a daily bases. This is not wild fantasy or paranoia, this is fact. So by working on ourselves and trying to focus on staying awake, because it is so easy to be distracted, we will be ready to help those who finally start stirring in their sleep.

 We have to be the awaken ones we wish to see in others. Peace, G

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Waking up in hell

 The old television show the twilight zone use to present stories with bizarre twist to them. That is what waking up is like. I know most people believe they are awake, oh how they see reality for what it is. They have no clue. Imagine finding yourself on an alien planet with normal looking people who go about their daily lives like earthlings do, except there is one twist that only you can see in them. They all seem to be in a deep trance, and they are being programed to be the way they are without knowing it. Everything seems normal to them. In fact, if you try to tell them they are being programed covertly without their knowledge they laugh at you of think you are insane. Welcome to earth.

 The governments of most countries spend more on military weapons than they do to help people who are homeless, sick, and going hungry. In the United states we spend more on the military than all the other countries combined. We have become obsessed with war, death and destruction. For years there was the red scare. Russia was demonized and we were told they were a threat to our very existence. In school we even had bomb raid drills where we had to get on the floor under our desk and pretend this would save us if Russia ever attacked us. Russia was telling their people the same thing.

 Once Russia became less of a threat to us, we had no real enemies. That is until 9-11. That's when we gained a new and most dangerous enemy. So called terrorist that was faceless, living in various counties under-cover and we were told they could strike at any moment. Then those who take an oath to the constitution broke that oath by introducing the patriot act one and two. Basically rendering the constitution void of all it's laws. How could this happen? Because those who really run this world are sick twisted people who believe themselves to be above the law makes billions from war. The year of this post is 2013.

 By now we should be over the hostility and horrors of war. By now people should have realized war, racism, hatred and all other negative actions so easily taken by all of us are completely useless. By now we should have realized that killing in the name of God is not serving God at all, but serving the power intoxicated brain dead elite controllers of this world. By now we should have realized that God does not care what religion you are, even if you have no religion, God only cares about the person you are when you stand naked before God. And by naked I mean stripped of all your pretend justifications for the absurd actions you have done on eath to others.

 By now we should have realized that we are all in this together and for one or two percent of the worlds population to have 95% of the wealth is beyond absurd, it's completely insane. We have hundreds of thousands of people going to bed hungry and sleeping in places that rats sleep, while the few sit in their homes eating the finest food money can buy. And they really believe they deserve it and believe the rest of us deserve to be hungry because we are dumb enough to put up with it. In a way they are right about that.

 We have allowed them to tell us how to think, what to believe and we have remained ignorant of the truth because we're either too lazy to think or it's too scary to think. The truth is very ugly. Lies are much prettier. Also, to know the truth means you have to re-think everything you thought you already knew. I'm not going to put powered sugar on the truth to make it more appealing people, this world is NOTHING like what you have been told and Nothing like you believe it is. Not only are the signs everywhere, but so many people have been trying to tell you but you will not listen. You watch the television news and you believe everything they tell you. Never once considering the facts that contradict the story.

 Then on the opposite end of the information avenue you believe the internet is completely bogus, and full of conspiracy nuts who have some crazy agenda trying to get you to believe them over the government for some purpose not known to anyone. It seems we cannot distinguish between fact and fiction, and we certainly can't use reason and logic to put the pieces together and come to our own conclusions. It's so much easier to let the government and the church and the media tell us the way it is, that way we don't have to think and we don't have to be responsible for our actions or lack of actions. 

 But the ones that will pay dearly for this lack of action to stop this insanity are the children of the future. We have put it off so long, they will take over a world that no one wants to live on anymore. The rate we are consuming and destroying the air land and sea in shit brained. How can we think this can go on forever? Have we lost our minds completely? Don't answer that I'm afraid to know, just like a lot of folks are afraid to know basic truths that would help open their eyes and then we could start changing things to get us out of this mess.  

 I just hope our great great grandchildren will forgive us if we are not extinct by then. People cannot wrap their minds around the seriousness of all this. This shit is deadly serious, but it's probably way too late to do anything anyway. We crossed that line a lone time ago. Sadly it won't be long until we will all pay the highest price for this ignorance, extinction of the human species is upon us. You don't have to believe it, but you will have to face it, and then you will not only believe it, you will be guilty of doing nothing to prevent it.  Later Gman

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Peaking over the top

 Several nights ago, I was doing some research into the movements of the stars and planets. It seems to be important when it comes to creation. Certain dates, movement of the heavens, words and numbers, all come together to match the major events on earth. Venus and Mars are very important also. As I dug deeper into magic and creation, I suddenly felt deep in my soul that the reason we are in such a world as we find ourselves in, is due to knowledge, or lack of it.

 You see boys and girls, there are people that know secrets about the mind that you cannot even imagine. This knowledge is so powerful, they have the ability to create this world from day to day and they are creating a world for them and not us. We are just dumb cattle that they use for their sick evil experiments, and the results are fantastic. That is for their purpose anyway. Let me give you an example of their power to program us covertly.

 The royal baby phenomenon going on at the time of this writing is something you should look at on a different level. I can almost understand the people of England being interested somewhat in this, yet not really, but at least they have a better excuse than the rest of the world. Friends and relatives of mine have been posting these little bits of royal baby propaganda on facebook. Why are they all giddy about this birth? What is it that seems to excite them about this? It's because covertly we have been programed to be excited about it. The subliminal and obvious propaganda by way of mainstream media outlets have been building us up on this whole thing.

   Everything we buy into is a set up. It's a Jedi-mind trick of the deceptive kind. We think and do things on a sub-conscious level all the time. We even sometimes wonder ourselves why we do some of the things we do, and it's because of the secrets on how to program a human. They do it through religion, patriotic bullshit, education, media propaganda, etc. It's like programming a computer, if you know the codes it's easy. By writing this short blog on this subject I'm hoping to inspire those who read it to ask themselves in what ways could this be influencing them, and start digging around and discover for themselves if what I'm saying is true or not. You may be surprised.   Peace, Gman AKA game changer.   

Monday, July 8, 2013

A message for elected ones

You may remember me, I'm one of those voters you represent at the big house on the east side of America. You know, AKA We the People. I am a little confused so I have a few questions and a few statements, and suggestions. First question: What is preventing us, We the People from forming an oath watcher group that monitors everything you do while representing us? You know like, introducing laws that go against our constitution, and secret deals made with people for no bid contracts in places like Iraq and Afghanistan. You know, companies like Halliburton, who was given contracts to rebuild those countries after we bomb them. Stuff like that. Also, why do I believe that taking an oath to defend the constitution should be taken serious? It is obviously a joke I just don't get.

 Shouldn't the people have the power to monitor all your email accounts and cell phone records? You know, the way you monitor ours. And shouldn't the people have the power to arrest those who break constitutional laws no matter who they are, including NSA? I'm not talking about knowing the secrets that would put us in harms way, I'm talking about the way in which those secrets are obtained, at least when it comes to U.S. citizens. What happened to innocent until prover guilty? If all the government agencies have nothing to hide, they should not care if we the people are spying on them. We elected them to represent us, and if you look at the appearance of things, they do not seem to be representing us.

 We've had almost six years with hope and change, yet nothing of importance has been done. In fact, more liberties have been taken away, which breaks their oath, and there is little hope, and change is all that is left in my pocket. I believe if the people of this country could have some truth so they could make informed decisions about who we vote for next time, we could get real change going. The only way that's going to happen is to hold those who use propaganda and false intelligence to get us into these wars and conflicts with every country that just happens to be oil rich, hold them responsible for their actions and lies, and to hold them responsible for all those they hire or appoint to positions within the Government.

 There cannot be freedom when a Government stops being for the people and instead favor corporations, weapons manufacturers, and bail out banks when they were the ones that committed crimes and got us into this mess economically. If one of us, We the People had ripped off the other people like the banks did, we would go to jail. But not the banks, they were rewarded for their crimes with tax dollars and they called it bail outs. Why didn't they have to bail out of jail instead? None of this makes sense. Why are people still not angry enough to finally stand up to this obvious bull_hit, and demand real representation from those we elect.

 When we elect a representative they must take an oath of office. This oath is very clear in it's message, and breaking this oath is a very serious crime. Where are the prosecutors and judges who are supposed to be watching these things, and why have none of these people been charged with crimes against the people. Obviously our system is broken and the voters are just a joke to these people, and worse, they do not take their oath seriously. It is time to make a stand and take this country away from the oath breakers who pretend to represent us and instead represent big business and special interest.

 They tell us it is keeping our economy strong but we see how well that is working out. The bottom line here is this. Truth and justice should apply to everyone, and it does not. There are people above the law, and they continue to rape and pillage this country in every way possible. If we do nothing then we deserve what is coming, economical collapse and plunged into the darkness of poverty and hardship. This could be the greatest country on earth, and there is enough resources to go around. But if you are paying attention, it has been sliding over to the one percent having it all, and the ninety nine percent having nothing. There have been numerous warnings over the past two hundred years about banks and the military industrial complex, and we ignored them. We are sitting in our nice homes believing everything will work out, yet deep down in our gut, we all know something is wrong. We are hoping against hope our gut is wrong, but it is not. Wake up now or sleep forever in the bed of ignorance. May God help us all. GW

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Who is who

 "Luke's Wall / War Pigs"

Black Sabbath

Generals gathered in their masses
Just like witches at black masses
Evil minds that plot destruction
Sorcerers of death's construction
In the fields the bodies burning
As the war machine keeps turning
Death and hatred to mankind
Poisoning their brainwashed minds... Oh Lord yeah!

Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that role to the poor, yeah

Time will tell on their power minds
Making war just for fun
Treating people just like pawns in chess
Wait 'till their Judgment day comes, yeah!

Now in darkness, world stops turning
Ashes where the bodies burning
No more war pigs of the power
Hand of God has struck the hour
Day of Judgment, God is calling
On their knees the war pigs crawling
Begging mercy for their sins
Satan, laughing, spreads his wings
Oh Lord yeah!

I remember the days when people told me not to play Black Sabbath music on my stereo. It was Devil music they said. Of course I played it anyway, because for one, no one was going to tell me what I could listen too back then. It was a time when we still had a slither of liberties left in America, and the constitution still meant something not only to the politicians, but most importantly, it meant something to the people. I am amazed at how easy the politicians get by today with all their violations of our constitutional rights while the people sit back and say, well at least they are making us safe. Right, and I  have a flying pig that takes me anywhere I want to go.

 But first let's address this Devil issue and Black Sabbath. In the song above, War Pigs, they sing about Generals gathering planning death and hatred to mankind, using average people to go do the killing for them, while the politicians and their children are exempt from going to war zones. They are telling you that the military poisons their brainwashed minds getting them to fight wars. Which if you have eyes to see, you are well aware of the war machine and it's psychological, mind altering techniques and propaganda used to gain favor from the public and young people line up to join against our one after the other enemies.

 Every war, every conflict has been created for the benefit of a few while telling the average person it is for their safety.  War is not only a money making machine to those who manufacture weapons and tanks, jets and other military equipment, it also brings to the super powers who exterminate the enemy in other countries, all their resources, and allows companies to take over certain industries. Look at the history of Dole, who used the military to steal the orchards of South America and set up their company there to maximize profits by cutting out the middle man.

 This has happened so many times in American history. War is a racket, look that up, read it and look who wrote it, A highly decorated Marine General. A profession military man. He finally woke up and saw what he and his men were being used for, profits of the few. Human life means nothing to these people. Presidents send our young people to other countries to die and think nothing of it. They get every one worked up by pointing at the target country at the moment by telling us different reasons we should go destroy them. Weapons of mass destruction that are not there, mass killing of babies that never happened, etc. We are shocked and start raising our flags and chanting kill, kill, kill, all too easy.

 It's easy to declare war if you don't have to go fight. How many leaders would send troops to war if they had to be on the front line with bullets flying past them and bombs going off next to them? So my question is this: Who is more likely to be in the Devil's corner, a man who sings about others who murder innocent people, or the ones who murder innocent people? People just don't think. They react to what they hear on the news, which is exactly what the leaders count on, because the NSA dictates what goes out as news to protect the guilty from ever being charged with war crimes but they tell us it is for national security. When will the people ever wake up? Probably never. It is nothing short of insane. G   

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

We are the new enemy

We are now officially the enemy of the state. Each and every American can say goodbye to what little liberty we had left. For anyone who still thought this was America, all doubt should be erased now. Just three months ago a top official at the NSA clearly stated for all to hear when asked if the Government was collecting data from our cell phones and he said absolutely not. We know now that he lied. In a country that is supposed to be We the People, everything we do even at the federal level should be in the open and those in office should not lie period. I believe any official, elected or appointed should be severely punished for lying about their actions. In fact, it seems very ironic that the ones who take an oath of office, promising to uphold and protect the constitution of the United States, are above the law. That oath obviously means nothing to them or the high courts.

 Under the protection of the NSA and because of the Patriot act, (which is the opposite of patriotic) they now spy on each and every one of us. Anyone who questions the governments actions or complains about the government is now put on the list. That list is growing daily and soon every man, woman and child will have their name on it. You can also say goodbye to the internet. The only websites you'll be able to access will be government approved ones. If you think this is a joke you are not going to be laughing long. This is the end game people. This is for all the marbles. Looking back, I would say the Y2K scare and the dooms day 2012 scam was all just to get us use to phony warnings so when the real warning sounds we'll all sit back and say, yeah right, not again.

 Well you better believe our economy is dead and it's just a matter of time before they finally have to confess. 25% of Americans are now getting food stamps and jobs are no longer available, and when they are they pay very low wages and expect you to work yourself to death for those wages. But then comes the big surprise. Yes folks I'm going to predict some future event. Today is June the eleventh, twenty thirteen.
 I predict within a year from now we will be at war with Syria. And this will be the prelude to the war of all wars. The famous WW111 we've all heard about. It's coming, I may be off a few months but it's coming, and when it does we will be told more lies and we will believe them, and then when you are sitting on a bench in the park, or what use to be the park with no food or shelter, and no one to go to for help, you can thank yourselves for not standing up before it was too late and take our government back under our control.

 Well it's wishful thinking because that day came and went years ago. They have us just where they want us, between fear of terrorist and threat of eternal poverty. So what are you going to do when they come for you, bad boys and girls? Not a damn thing because if you do you will be jailed or killed in the name of freedom.
 I'll never forget the words of our unelected leader after 9-11, he said the terrorist hate our freedom. He was 100% correct, and that's why the government has been taking away our freedoms every since. Kind of exposes the real terrorist don't you think? 

Friday, May 24, 2013

Invisible Master

2 Corinthians 4
18 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

 We all know of someone or heard of someone who is considered intelligent, mild mannered, all around nice person who in a fit of rage from jealousy or road rage or some other mishap does something really stupid and in a lot of cases places them in prison. A jealous husband comes home catches his wife with another man shots them both and then kills himself. Or some University professor gets cut off in traffic and he chases down the car that cut him off but loses control of his car and goes up on the sidewalk and kills several people.

 Just two examples of things that happen every day in the world. Why would any rational person do such horrible things when we know the consequences of our deeds? We all consider ourselves in control most of the time and we do stop ourselves from doing things we think about most of the time. But it is the ones that snap and lose it that I want to shine a light on because it can happen to any one of us at any time. Some believe this is not true, and they believe they always have control of their actions, but if you can be honest with yourself, all of us can remember times when we reacted to harshly to a situation or to another person when they caught us on a bad day.

 What good did it do us to evolve into conscious beings if we can lose control and act like an animal at any given moment? A dominate male monkey will punish or kill a male and female if he catches them having sex. All the females are his and he is the only one allowed to mate with them. All the other monkeys know this and still sneak off and mate all the while keeping look out for the dominate male. They do everything by instinct and emotion. The dominate male can kill other males and he suffers no dire consequences for his actions, but humans have laws against murder yet people still do it at a moments notice without thinking about the consequences.

 Science tells us we evolved from monkeys, therefore we are at our core animals. What sets us apart from other animals is our ability to think about things, plan and ponder what if's. So something very powerful is at work here when usually good people snap and kill others. We can pretend it only happens to uneducated, poor or mentally disabled people, but the truth is, it can happen to anyone.

 We are told as we grow and learn that our conscious mind makes our decisions and sets our fate. What we think and do on a conscious level will seal our future. Well this is only partially true. We can plan and go to school majoring in some type of knowledge that we use to gain wealth and status among our peers, but lose it all in a rage of emotion triggered by an event from the outside world.

 The reason this happens is, we are not really the master of our house. Our house being our mind. When we look around we see duality everywhere. Male and female, light and dark, north and south, positive and negative, etc. And just like the bible verse above, we live in two worlds. The problem is we are not able to see the other world because we are taught that this invisible world is fantasy, only for dreamers, and thinking like that will not get you money and status in this world. The irony of all this is, we have given up the most powerful world for the temporal one.

 People actual live their lives as if this is it, it's all or nothing. If you do not become successful, and gain wealth and power while alive in this temporal body, you are not the shit and you belong in the poor house. So we shun the invisible world that is the eternal one. If you don't believe the invisible world is the true master and we should learn how to listen to it, then ask yourself this: Do you tell your heart to beat and your lungs to breath even when you are asleep? Science wants to explain this in terms of involuntary muscles and other spooky terms, (but not spirit)  but the truth is, the invisible world belongs to the spirit and creation of all things. Within you and me is a spirit that never sleeps, never needs food or water, never needs air or blood, and it is the one that beats your heart and breaths for your body even as you sleep.

 But this spirit can be divine or a demon. It depends on the data it receives from others and experiences in life. If ignored enough it can come to the front of your conscious level, overtake you and commit horrible crimes. Ask any killer that had never killed before and they will tell you that during the time his body was killing the person he felt like a spectator watching his body do these things yet it didn't seem like him. That's because spirit is energy, psychic energy, and when it gathers enough dark energy and you have a bad day, become high on drugs or alcohol it can overthrow the normal you and commit horrible things using your body. And just as quickly as it came forward, once the deed is done, it slips back into the darkness of your mind where it remains invisible, and most have no clue the power that is within them. It expresses itself all the time in light and dark forms.

 Until we can balance ourselves with this invisible master, we are at it's mercy. This could be heaven or this could be hell, and to tell the truth, it is both and neither, because all this is concepts in our lost minds, and we should all be very concerned that no one is trying to find the truth about all this so we can heal and at the same time heal this world. We can't do it by defeating darkness with light. The more you fight darkness the darker it becomes. What we must do and it's very important, we must face our own darkness, each one of us and work with it until we can bring it into our own light which is consciousness and then it will manifest back into light from which it came. What is dark inside us all was once light, and by contaminating it in this world we have turned it dark. The world and all it's offerings is the grand deception. Understand that and you may be able to truly save yourself.
 Peace, scarygary....

Saturday, April 6, 2013

In the shadow of dreams Part one

 We are born into this world naked and naïve. With only our basic instincts we are helpless for the first several years. Right from the start everything we experience comes at us from the outside. Our eyes open and we see a world full of wonder. Sounds from the world fill our ears. Our senses pick up the world and we are trained to fit into this world, if we know what's good for us. We are simple creatures really, we just want to be loved and accepted, and we want to avoid pain and rejection.
 We have many influences as we grow and learn. Everyone wants to tell us how to behave, what we can or cannot do, etc. We are required to fit into society. If not we are trouble makers and they have ways of dealing with them. So the first 40 years or so we are focused on the outside world. For some of us that is all we ever focus on. You see the world must train you to live with it. Otherwise too many things go wrong. (As if we need more of that.) The world is not concerned with who you really are, you belong to the world.

 From the beginning you are given a mask to wear when interacting with others. We all have our different masks. The work mask, your social mask, your family mask, etc. We are always giving the world what it expects. I know some people argue that they do not wear a mask, or they don't care what other people think, but fantasy land gets you no where. The world gives you an ego. This is your false self. This is the only you most people know. We get so use to it we forget it's not real. This is the one who buys name brand clothes, or caps with logos on them so everyone can see that you are hip and with the crowd. Otherwise you would only buy what you really need. If you spend time in really cold weather, you want to invest in something that keeps you warm and dry. You don't need Coleman brand clothing or other rip off designs.

 We all want to be seen at our best no matter what you say or falsely believe. There is always someone we want to impress in some way. That's why we buy the best of the best, at least that is what the advertisers tell you. And we go through life believing that the person we have dialog with inside our head is the real us! Nothing could be farther from the truth. No one is immune. And that's a good thing really. You see, the only way we will find our true self, our divine center, is to eliminate all the false in our minds. You have to know the false so that truth can manifest for you. You can't walk along the road and discover truth. Truth doesn't exist in this world. You want to know who the anti-Christ is? It's society, culture, all the things that continue to alter you and keep you from knowing yourself.

 When we look in a mirror we see a reflection of our earth bodies. Someone who didn't know you were standing in front of a mirror for a moment may mistake that reflection for the real you, but you know it's not you. Go out in the sunlight when the sun is at an angle and turn your back to the sun. Look at that shadow on the ground. If you stand just right it makes a very good silhouette of you and you can tell it is your shadow. But it is still not the real you. Of course everyone knows that. But here's the thing, you are not who you think you are. You are a product of this world. Don't just shake this off and dismiss it because you know for certain you are smarter than that. I'm telling you without a doubt you are being deceived. Maybe not as badly as some, but you are being deceived by your ego. You are really convinced that it is you. It even pretends to know it is false and needs eliminated to trick you into believing ego is not speaking to you all the time..

 The opposite of Ego is your Shadow. Ego is the many mask you wear in public and the Shadow is that part of you that knows who you really are but does not want anyone else to know. Maybe you were told it's a sin, or shameful or ugly, or just wrong for some reason so you dumped it in the shadow. The Shadow causes some real problems for people because it remains mostly unconscious. In other words you do not consciously know what is in your Shadow. Here is where being born again comes in, this is what it really means. You have to let Ego die, because it is world made, and bring forth your Shadow in a born again kind of way, and it is then that you realize that the Shadow was the Divine Holy Spirit in you the whole time.  Our dreams is where the boundary between God and ourselves is. God tries to get messages to you through dreams, which is really God trying to communicate with God, because God is manifesting through each and every one of us whether we like it or not. And because of free will, as God manifest through us we can only hope we have a kindness about us so God's love can show. Otherwise God manifest in those who hate, kill and murder.

 Oh how we have forsaken the one true God of creation by remaining ignorant of the truth. I may not have explained this like I received it because visions in the presence of God are mostly unexplainable. Words fail to give it the proper awe that it truly is. Somehow I have been able to feel the presence of God or the Holy Spirit or whatever name you want to give it, and those times have been so overwhelming, I walked around in a daze for several days after.
 But those experiences left me with some weird curse of visions. I can't control them, I never know when they are coming or what they will reveal, but I've had dozens over the years and they have always come to past. Twenty five years ago I even seen my own death. I'm not there yet, and I'm not really looking forward to it, because like others, I have become attached to my body and life experiences. But I will have to get over it like everyone else. Death is born with you. Birth could not be if not for death. I may have to add to this later as needed, because I want everyone who reads this to know how important the true meaning of this is. Peace, icthetao  Part two coming soon.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Explaining Evil

 Everyone tries to understand how God being love could allow evil to exist. It is a legitimate concern, so let me try to explain it in my simple terms. I will do this in steps. First step is, God is everything, everything is God. Nothing exist outside of God. Second, to personify God is creating an idol to worship. God is not a person like human beings are, because God incarnates in everything, plants, trees, animals, humans, everything. In most mainstream religions, they demonize nature. To worship a tree is evil they say, but yet God is in the tree. Nature is pure, free flowing, and God-like in every way. What's un-natural is trying to overcome nature. We build roads and buildings intruding on nature all the time. When what we should be doing is living in harmony with nature. Outside my house right now is man made trash littering my yard and street, no matter how many times I go out there is always some trash an inconsiderate a.o. has discarded so they would not have to take the few seconds to dispose of it properly. Anyway, nature is just as much a part of God as we are.

 The next thing I would like to touch upon is the properties of light. In doing so, it will help explain the reason for evil. When sunlight passes through a prism it separates into the many colors that make up sunlight. Like rainbow colors, sunlight contains all the light waves that exist here in physical form. So it is with God. When God incarnates in each of us we act as prism to light, we separate God into all God's parts pertaining to humanness. Because God is perfect balance between all duality you can say God is not good or evil, God is both at the same time but in balance. It is us, humans that separate God's balance into duality at both ends of the thing we speak of. It's like standing in the center between the North pole and the South pole. We are neither favoring North or South, we are both at the same time and neither also.

 So whether we want it or not, God is incarnating through all of us, and it depends on whether you are standing slightly toward the good or evil that determines the way God incarnates through us. We are out of balance and it is obvious. I am amazed when I hear these extreme preachers or holy men, talk about fighting evil. That is a losing battle no matter how you look at it. You cannot overcome one or the other you can only be at one extreme or the other which is out of balance. Just like war begets war, peace begets peace, good begets good. And the way to do this is to bring our own darkness into the light. Which is a fancy way of saying bring that which is unconscious within you into consciousness and it cannot be dark any more once light has been upon it. We are quick to point outwards whenever we see a horrible crime committed against another human. Never even considering that we ourselves are just as capable of committing the same act given the right circumstances.

 That's the main reason we should not judge others, we have no idea what it's like to be them. We do not know what they have been through, the abuse they may have endured, physically, sexually or psychologically. Yet we see ourselves as saints compared to murderers and other criminals who commit violent crimes. But you would be surprised at what you are capable of under the right circumstances. God is the creating force behind everything that exist, and the best way to honor God is to be a loving forgiving human being that understands his own darkness instead of projecting it out on to others. We cannot do anything about what others do, we can only do that within ourselves. If you only understand one thing your entire life, it should be that everything you see wrong with the world is not external, it's internal. You will never fix the outside world, you can only fix the internal world that is you. If everybody did that, you would see a totally different world outside yourself. I hope this helps clear up some things you may struggle with.  God is love, everything else is bullshit.
Thanks for your time. Time is an illusion. I call time the shadow of eternity. Scarygary
BTW, if you like this post or not, leave a comment for others to read. Thatssssssssss all folks.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

You are not going crazy

 Those of you who are awakening to this world of illusion, or have been awake for a while and sometimes doubt yourself because so many others keep telling you that you are crazy or a fanatical conspiracy nut, let me say this.
 Just because we can see thru the illusion produced by the real world controllers doesn't mean we are boasting or feel arrogant. And we certainly are not crazy. Anyone who really wants to know the truth about this world is capable of waking up. When you first wake up it is as if you are in a different world, and you are so overwhelmed you do act and sound a little crazy. But that's because you are trying to process so much new data and you want to be able to tell others what you have discovered that it comes out as fanatical, crazy, and doesn't make a lot of sense.
 I've been researching things about this world, how our minds work and why we believe fairy tales taught to us by our parents, the church and the state for over 20 years. Little by little the pieces started coming together and forming a picture that was far from what I had known up until then. Did I have doubts? You better believe it. If fact I fought it for a long time trying to find ways to dismiss what I had discovered by researching for thousands of hours per month. What I discovered was, truth cannot be dismissed, and once you get a small amount of it, the snowball starts a slow descent down a giant mountain, picking up greater and greater speed until suddenly you are buried in an avalanche of eye opening revelations and now everywhere you look it all seems so surreal. You cannot turn off this ability to see the truth over the constant pounding we get from everywhere that tells us how we should see the world.
 But more and more people are coming to realize that all of this we speak about is not as crazy as they once thought. As the lies become move obvious, and the events taking place daily as reported by the mainstream media seem to have odd properties to them, those we have touched are wondering what the fuck is going on. So to borrow what David Icke said in a recent email newsletter, you are not going crazy, you are actually going sane, and it is scary. Because being sane in a world full of insane people is dangerous, and the sick evil bastards running the show from behind the scenes know if we say too much to the wrong people, our message will not be heard because we will be locked up as if we are insane. That's how messed up the world is. The sane are institutionalized while the insane do the bidding for sick evil people hell bent on owning us totally. Be careful and keep the faith that truth and light and God shall win in the end. Peace

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Political correctness

 Most people are under the impression that political correctness (pc) is in place to help prevent offending others. After some research and thinking about it for a while, I do not believe that is the purpose. People get offended anyway, they seem to look for an excuse to point the finger at someone and claim they are offensive. Everyone is quick to take offense of just about anything. We seem over sensitive. So you have to wonder why pc became such an accepted part of our lives. Doesn't it seem silly that we are not allowed to say Merry Christmas any more, and it was replaced with Happy Holidays? Both are simple holiday greetings and should not offend anyone. Even if you do not celebrate Christmas what harm has someone done to you when they say Merry Christmas to you?

 Myself I believe Christmas is just another excuse for us to consume so that the rich keep getting richer. Like a lot of holidays. Valentines day. Shouldn't you celebrate your love for each other everyday? People, well mostly ladies become very upset if their man doesn't get them all the goodies for Valentines day. They say, oh, I guess he really doesn't love me, and other absurd remarks. Well if he didn't love you why would he put up with your gold digging ass? Because people that demand gifts just because of a holiday do not know what love is really about. Love is not flowers and candy, love is about sharing a moment together forever. Don't get me wrong, it's ok to buy some flowers to show your love, but it should be because you want to not because it is a holiday like Valentines day.

 But pc does not seem to have the same agenda involving consumerism. So lets think about it. What's the bottom line on pc, and what it accomplishes? The only thing I see is, it prevents people from speaking their true thoughts. In other words, it prevents truth from rising up and being known. Well think about it. If we are afraid to say things that may offend someone, we will be reluctant to say how we really feel when we elect our officials to represent us. If we can't say what we want, then we say something that is less than true, which is a lie. And lies take on a life of their own from the moment they are spoken.

 This world we live in has all the beauty of paradise. Yet we have allowed it to be pulled over our eyes. Look over here I have shiny keys, no look here I have a diamond for you to look at, see that sparkle? We have traded our soul for material goods, and these things are sold to us through advertising agencies that know how to use our desires against us. Why to you think the biggest advertisements during the super bowl cost so much money? That's a lot of money to spend on a 30 second ad. They would not do that if it were not cost efficient. A pretty girl, a can of beer, a bag of chips, we are not even talking about something that cost a lot of money. How many bags of chips do you have to sell to get back a half million dollar ad? And that's just playing it once. Most of the companies that buy 30 second slots during the super bowl buy multiple slots, because after all, repetition  is the greatest way to get through the message you want to deliver.

 These are just a few of the things that is going on around us that seem to be one thing when actually they are carefully planned and inserted into our culture to be accepted by all in the art of leading the world astray.
The world offers us everything, and all we have to do is give it our eternal soul which keeps us here forever.
It's the lack of knowledge that will be the downfall of humans. And I'm not talking about canned knowledge that earns a degree and fetches you a large chunk of the pie. The knowledge of truth cannot be purchased, it must be pursued constantly. It's not easy, because everywhere you search has so many blind alleys that it can become overwhelming. But most of you need not worry, your higher education has trained you well and you accept things on the surface as if true automatically without realizing it. And people like me, well, I'm just some uneducated failure from some mountain where they date cousins and chew tobacky all day. I have no idear what it is I'm a say'n.  Got to laugh to keep from crying. Peace G

Monday, January 14, 2013

Deep down you know

" Through pride we are ever deceiving ourselves. But deep down below the surface of the average conscience a still, small voice says to us, something is out of tune." -Carl Jung

Any sane person who reflects upon the world today knows there is something not quite right. You may not know what it is, but you recognize that something is there. Forty years ago I was eighteen years old. It was a completely different world than today, and I don't mean just technology wise. What I'm talking about here concerns people. People are different. Their self worth has gone up over a thousand percent while the dollar has fallen to almost zero. Confidence is one thing, but self worth unchecked soon becomes arrogance on crack. We are all guilty of this. Everything we do has everything to do with us, and to hell with the rest of the world. And this attitude has been promoted as winner take all. Few people today stop long enough to ask one basic question. Is this the right thing to do over all? In other words, does what I am going to do effect the world negatively in any way?  And do what is right instead of doing what benefits you.

 How else can you explain our disregard for the future generations? We are like parasites in a feeding frenzy, and everyone is afraid they won't get any food. At the rate we are going, there will be nothing left for the second or third generation to come. Between corporations killing the planet in order to maximize profits and us, consuming all they have to offer at an alarming rate, you cannot deny we are heading for catastrophe of the major kind. Have we forgotten this is the only home we have? There is no plan B people. This is it. And even if there was a plan to colonize another planet, what kind of life would it be for the children. Artificial light, air, water, etc. No parks to play in. Living on an otherwise dead planet that we have to generate essentials in order to survive.What kind of life would that be?

 There is a simple solution to all this. It is non violent, and it is legal. It's called non-participation. It calls for all of us to begin cutting out everything possible that requires a monetary system to sustain it.

To be continued......