Friday, September 27, 2013

Vision with a message part 2

                                   Vision with a message Part II
 Each thing we saw in this bizarre vision we had together I am trying to make sense out of it. Even though it's been a few years, it is still very vivid in my mind. Science can not be of help when they deny metaphysics because they cannot measure it.

 The Reptilian Guard;

  The cave like area we found ourselves in that day is located somewhere in our reptilian brain. The reptilian brain is our most primitive brain. It is the first brain we developed. It is the key to our survival. All our basic instincts come from there and now I believe it also is the hiding place for our shadow, as Carl Jung called it. The shadow is the depository for all the things we were taught to be ashamed of, feel guilty about, and it is where our suppressed expressions of our self goes when culture will not tolerate them. Maybe that was what the sleeping spirits represented. The guard is there to protect us from hurt, pain, rejection, and it the driving force of sex, since survival means passing on the DNA so that the reptilian brain continues on.

 The reptilian brain works in the dark, or sub-conscious mind. We are almost always unaware of it. The guard became very upset when my daughter and I were there in body, or awareness. Because we brought light into the dark room, and that just doesn't happen. The reptilian brain even though primitive, is a very strong force within our sub-conscious mind. Any time we attempt to do something that the reptilian brain or "RB" feels is a threat, the "RB" keeps us from doing it. If you have been rejected by a number of girls (if you are a young man) after a while the pain becomes too much and you will stop trying. The "RB" does this to keep the hurt from repeating.

 The "RB" sometimes cannot prevent you from doing everything. It is in a battle with your higher mind and becomes helpless when we are depressed, or feel like things are hopeless, and thoughts of suicide pop up in our minds. So what all this is telling me is, we are prisoners of the sub-conscious reptilian brain as long as we hide in there. All of our repressed and suppressed parts are locked in there because we were taught they were ugly, or shameful. Until we can bring our entire self into the light of consciousness, we are stuck. Which is what the rulers want. They have designed a program that insures they stay in business as leaders, keep us bound by shame guilt and fear, while they rape and pillage us and the entire planet we live on.

 I hope some of this makes sense, and I will write more later as I have these revelations.
 Peace, scarygary, icthetao.......

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Vision with a message

This is from a vision my daughter N.R. Williams-Case shared one fine day. I had just said to her, none of this is real, meaning the outside world we see through our eyes. Right at that moment we were in a cave, or underground. In this cave like room was a half glass dome, very big. Sitting in chairs was a room full of sleeping spirits. We were separated by about five to seven sleeping spirits. We were both leaning back in our chairs looking at each other in dis-belief. The two of us were in bodies not just spirit form, we were glowing, as if we were filled with light.

 Attached to the sleeping spirits were helmets with four tubes attached to each helmet. I could not tell where they went, and the chairs were arranged in a half circle with the big glass dome in front of them. Suddenly in the right hand hallway I saw an ugly, almost reptilian looking guard making a strange growling noise in a panic like a scream, he was headed toward our area and we were surly going to be found out. Instantly we were back in the car sitting behind Huck's on Hart St. in my home town. 

 Either we were unhooked for a moment or we visited there to see something important. I've come to the conclusion that all these visions my daughter and I have are not literal but symbolic trying to get a message to us. That was the first and only time we had the same vision at the same time, which to me gives reason to take it very seriously. We both saw the exact same thing, and it was overwhelming. In the old Star Trek TV show they would beam down to a planet and beam back to the ship. This is what it seemed like. One second we were in the car talking about our visions and research, the next we were in a rock room like a cave, then right back into the car. So with all our years of research seeking true answers to metaphysics, God, and Spirit, this is part one where I am attempting to put into mortal language what this vision said to me. I hope it makes some sense, and just maybe it will resonate with whoever reads this, and can be a help to them in their own search to know themselves. This will probably have several parts to it, because of the limitations language has compared to our original communication skills. Here goes;

Part one

Vision message. By G.W. Williams 09/2013

 OK, starting with our parents, church, school, siblings, friends and family members, we are taught what is important. Or at least what the monkey's have been trained to believe is important. They have us focused on the physical world, and we are told the imagination, the spooky part of our mind is all fantasy. Science, continues to this day to only focus on what we can experience through our bodies senses. They cannot explain visions, premonitions, and telepathy, therefore it is a figment of our imagination, which is fantasy, worthless. That's the reason so little is spent in lower education on the arts. Using our imagination is dangerous to the system of culture that we find ourselves in.

 Our basic brain functions are very simple. We are attracted to pleasure and repelled by pain. We want to be accepted and do whatever it takes to get accepted by our parents, teachers, friends and others. It is embarrassing to be singled out in class and made fun of while the whole class laughs at our pain. When we are about to do something our brains sorts through the data making sure to avoid anything that may bring back those laughing children making fun of us. So with all this we have forsaken our divine self in order to fit into this world. Even when we are rebellious, there are certain lines we do not cross. And it is not even done on the conscious level, it's done on the sub-conscious level before it reaches the consciousness. It's the ultimate filter we are not aware of.

 By having us focus on the physical side of our existence, we hide the spiritual side in the shadow of our mind. A normal spirit is a white color, one which holds light. What I saw in the vision was darker, asleep spirits that were dark gray bordering black. Eating the symbolic Apple from the TOK (tree of knowledge) and then covering our nakedness was a message to be understood. We choose physical life over spirit, the fig leaves was hiding our spiritual nakedness, all the stuff we are told is wrong with us or ugly, or perverted about us. We have placed shame and guilt over our spirits making them dwell in darkness and that's why they sleep. That and we have no use for them consciously. Eve took the fall because she is the imagination and will accept all data as is, with no logic to sort the truth from lies, so consciousness took over, or dominated Eve in the garden because she can't be trusted to stay away from deception.

 But they know how to get to her covertly, and then, once she has the data repeated enough times she makes it a belief and transfers that believe over to Adam or the conscious side. Adam believes things yet knows not why, this is why. Since our spirits are covered with guilt and shame and asleep, the four tubes allows for monitoring all data from the conscious and sub-conscious minds. One outgoing one incoming for the two sides.

 We are cut off from the sub-conscious side because we hide parts of our self there and we fear looking at those parts because they are painful and not acceptable to the world we live in. 

 (to be continued) 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

How to take back our power

 We the people of the world hold the true power over our own lives. The fear generated by various leaders all over the world, is the boogie man generator. The reason for the fear of terrorism, the fear of illegal drugs, the fear of everything is control. When leaders produce a boogie man that causes people to fear for their safety, they will demand a leader to save them. It keeps leaders in the business of leading. Why would we need a leader if everyone took responsibility for their own lives and placed fear in the minds of all potential boogie men, or women. The last thing the boogie man wants is a hard time. If he knows you have the means and the guts to protect yourself and your family, he is not likely to try to harm you. We have nothing to fear but fear itself. FDR.

 So we really don't need a leader for that. And when is the last time any politician who is supposed to represent we the people, represented anything important to the people. Obama is a sick joke. Hope and change my ass. Our economy is in the toilet, and as soon as he is elected, (the first time) he appoints all the people from wall street to cabinet post, telling us they know how to fix it, when the truth is, they are the ones that got us into this mess. So they talk him into bailing out the banks with tax dollars, when those people at the banks should have been bailing out of jail for criminal activity. If an average person pulled a con on someone like the banks did, they would be locked up and the key thrown away. Where is justice? There is no justice for the people. In fact more and more, laws are being passed to protect corporations and big business from getting sued or charged with crimes when the fuck us over.

 So how do we take back our power? It's very simple and no blood has to spill. Stop participating. Look, if we stop voting for any clown running for office, I mean not even show up at the polls, what kind of chill would run up the spines of those who keep this voting illusion alive. They will not know what to do. They have these selected candidates who have spent millions on selling their lies to you, and no one shows up to vote. This would have a far reaching message to those behind the scenes that really run the show.

 Stop joining the military. We don't have a draft in the U.S. because there is no shortage of stupid people who are hypnotized by media spin and get all pumped up about going to a foreign country and killing people. They do this out of fear even though they seem to be over dosing on testosterone, they fear the boogie man might bring it to us so they go there to kill first ask questions later. How stupid does one have to be to think it's a good idea to join the military in today's world? Constant wars, conflict, and killing going on all over the world, yet our prez can receive the Nobel  Peace prize in his first term.

 Freedom does have a cost, but that does not mean having a slaughter house military. They keep killing them and we keep sending them more. Why? Our military is supposed to be for the protection of the home front, not forcing democracy onto other countries. Unless they are attacking us on our own soil, it is none of our business. This moral obligation card they keep playing is bullshit. We have a moral obligation not to kill our sons and daughters fighting wars that do not involve attacks here on our land.

 The way to take back our power comes when we finally say enough and stop voting for the crooks, and stop letting our children sign up to die in other countries so the war machine can profit. America spends more on military than all the other countries combined! Do you understand this? Like any business, you don't spend money if you are not making profit. They pay for defense with tax money, yet the people who profit from war do so by selling war machines and food service and weapons of every kind. Who are these people? It's not surprising that most defense contractors have for board members former senate, congress, and presidents. And the rich keep getting richer because we are stupid and do not think.

 It's time to wake the fuck up, start thinking, and put these bastards our of business by non-participation. What are they going to do, force us to vote, force us to carry on their wars? Imagine the message these two things alone would send. There are hundreds of ways to stop participating, but these two need to be first, and they will know then what it is like to be shocked and awed for a change.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Image of God

[ih-maj-uh-ney-shuhn] Show
the faculty of imagining, or of forming mental images or concepts of what is not actually present to the senses.
the action or process of forming such images or concepts.
the faculty of producing ideal creations consistent with reality, as in literature, as distinct from the power of 

creating illustrative or decorative imagery. Compare fancy (  def 2 ) .
the product of imagining; a conception or mental creation, often a baseless or fanciful one.
ability to face and resolve difficulties; resourcefulness: a job that requires imagination.

 Science has shown that a person who imagines something, compared to actually seeing or doing something, is the same to the mind. The mind cannot tell the difference between reality and fantasy. Think about that. If you whisper a fantasy into the ear of the imagination, repeating it often, adding detail and visualizing it as if it is really happening, the mind will assume it true.

 How does this compare to Adam and Eve? Adam is your left brain, the dominate side, which explains why men dominate women, because of the wrong interpretation of the meaning, and Eve took the fall because Eve represents the right brain, the imagination side, the one that cannot tell the difference between fantasy and reality. The fall of humankind is due to the closing up of the imagination through trickery, and living only through the left dominate side of our brains.

 The imagination is the image of God we were made in, meaning all things are possible in the imagination, and the forbidden knowledge was the map of the brain and how to use the two brains against each other to bring us to this point. Words, language, that is what created the prison for our spirit, our soul, our imagination, our image of god we were endowed with. The Tower of Babel, was telling us our language was changed. We went from speaking a language that gave us power to one that caused mass confusion. The new language reduced the awe and wonder of everything to a word, a label.

 I think it was Terence McKenna that told the story of a baby laying in his crib when suddenly a beautiful thing came in to his awareness. It fluttered around the room, it was of many colors and made funny noises as it fluttered. The babies eyes were wide with awe and wonder as he watched this thing fly around his room, he was making cooing noises and blabbering. When the Mother heard this she went to check on him and saw what was causing him to make noises, and said, that's why you are so excited. It's ok honey, it.s just a bird, just a bird. So this amazing creature that was so wonderful at first was reduced to just a bird.

 So capturing our imagination, our spirit of God, we became sleep walkers on earth. We appear outwardly to be awake. We even have intelligent conversations with each other, but internally, the eternal part of ourself, the Image of God we were given, was put to sleep. Surely you will die said God about eating the fruit. God was telling us that we forsake our God within by manipulating our minds, our imagination.

 Religion is the supreme manipulator of the mind using words. Fear of God's wrath, fear of Hell, fear of many things keeps us in line. Then we rob our children of free will by forcing our religious views onto them. Even if you don't physically or mentally force them to follow your religion, through repetition we slowly capture their imagination, convincing them, covertly, that our religion is true. Our imagination buys that lie and bam, it becomes a prisoner to it. Once we believe something with every fiber of our being, it closes off the imagination so that it cannot be changed, and it does not have to be true.

 A little over 500 years ago the entire world thought the earth was flat. That did not make it true in reality, but it made it true to them. Are you starting to see the truth here? Are you beginning to see how they have used our own minds against us? I will write more on this subject later, but for now, think about this. This is powerful knowledge if understood correctly.    More later. G