Friday, May 24, 2013

Invisible Master

2 Corinthians 4
18 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

 We all know of someone or heard of someone who is considered intelligent, mild mannered, all around nice person who in a fit of rage from jealousy or road rage or some other mishap does something really stupid and in a lot of cases places them in prison. A jealous husband comes home catches his wife with another man shots them both and then kills himself. Or some University professor gets cut off in traffic and he chases down the car that cut him off but loses control of his car and goes up on the sidewalk and kills several people.

 Just two examples of things that happen every day in the world. Why would any rational person do such horrible things when we know the consequences of our deeds? We all consider ourselves in control most of the time and we do stop ourselves from doing things we think about most of the time. But it is the ones that snap and lose it that I want to shine a light on because it can happen to any one of us at any time. Some believe this is not true, and they believe they always have control of their actions, but if you can be honest with yourself, all of us can remember times when we reacted to harshly to a situation or to another person when they caught us on a bad day.

 What good did it do us to evolve into conscious beings if we can lose control and act like an animal at any given moment? A dominate male monkey will punish or kill a male and female if he catches them having sex. All the females are his and he is the only one allowed to mate with them. All the other monkeys know this and still sneak off and mate all the while keeping look out for the dominate male. They do everything by instinct and emotion. The dominate male can kill other males and he suffers no dire consequences for his actions, but humans have laws against murder yet people still do it at a moments notice without thinking about the consequences.

 Science tells us we evolved from monkeys, therefore we are at our core animals. What sets us apart from other animals is our ability to think about things, plan and ponder what if's. So something very powerful is at work here when usually good people snap and kill others. We can pretend it only happens to uneducated, poor or mentally disabled people, but the truth is, it can happen to anyone.

 We are told as we grow and learn that our conscious mind makes our decisions and sets our fate. What we think and do on a conscious level will seal our future. Well this is only partially true. We can plan and go to school majoring in some type of knowledge that we use to gain wealth and status among our peers, but lose it all in a rage of emotion triggered by an event from the outside world.

 The reason this happens is, we are not really the master of our house. Our house being our mind. When we look around we see duality everywhere. Male and female, light and dark, north and south, positive and negative, etc. And just like the bible verse above, we live in two worlds. The problem is we are not able to see the other world because we are taught that this invisible world is fantasy, only for dreamers, and thinking like that will not get you money and status in this world. The irony of all this is, we have given up the most powerful world for the temporal one.

 People actual live their lives as if this is it, it's all or nothing. If you do not become successful, and gain wealth and power while alive in this temporal body, you are not the shit and you belong in the poor house. So we shun the invisible world that is the eternal one. If you don't believe the invisible world is the true master and we should learn how to listen to it, then ask yourself this: Do you tell your heart to beat and your lungs to breath even when you are asleep? Science wants to explain this in terms of involuntary muscles and other spooky terms, (but not spirit)  but the truth is, the invisible world belongs to the spirit and creation of all things. Within you and me is a spirit that never sleeps, never needs food or water, never needs air or blood, and it is the one that beats your heart and breaths for your body even as you sleep.

 But this spirit can be divine or a demon. It depends on the data it receives from others and experiences in life. If ignored enough it can come to the front of your conscious level, overtake you and commit horrible crimes. Ask any killer that had never killed before and they will tell you that during the time his body was killing the person he felt like a spectator watching his body do these things yet it didn't seem like him. That's because spirit is energy, psychic energy, and when it gathers enough dark energy and you have a bad day, become high on drugs or alcohol it can overthrow the normal you and commit horrible things using your body. And just as quickly as it came forward, once the deed is done, it slips back into the darkness of your mind where it remains invisible, and most have no clue the power that is within them. It expresses itself all the time in light and dark forms.

 Until we can balance ourselves with this invisible master, we are at it's mercy. This could be heaven or this could be hell, and to tell the truth, it is both and neither, because all this is concepts in our lost minds, and we should all be very concerned that no one is trying to find the truth about all this so we can heal and at the same time heal this world. We can't do it by defeating darkness with light. The more you fight darkness the darker it becomes. What we must do and it's very important, we must face our own darkness, each one of us and work with it until we can bring it into our own light which is consciousness and then it will manifest back into light from which it came. What is dark inside us all was once light, and by contaminating it in this world we have turned it dark. The world and all it's offerings is the grand deception. Understand that and you may be able to truly save yourself.
 Peace, scarygary....

1 comment:

  1. Well spoken! It reminds me of what I just posted on facebook about the indian telling his son that inside of us is both good and evil and when the son asked which one was in him the father replied, the one that is feed. Love, Boog
