Monday, July 8, 2013

A message for elected ones

You may remember me, I'm one of those voters you represent at the big house on the east side of America. You know, AKA We the People. I am a little confused so I have a few questions and a few statements, and suggestions. First question: What is preventing us, We the People from forming an oath watcher group that monitors everything you do while representing us? You know like, introducing laws that go against our constitution, and secret deals made with people for no bid contracts in places like Iraq and Afghanistan. You know, companies like Halliburton, who was given contracts to rebuild those countries after we bomb them. Stuff like that. Also, why do I believe that taking an oath to defend the constitution should be taken serious? It is obviously a joke I just don't get.

 Shouldn't the people have the power to monitor all your email accounts and cell phone records? You know, the way you monitor ours. And shouldn't the people have the power to arrest those who break constitutional laws no matter who they are, including NSA? I'm not talking about knowing the secrets that would put us in harms way, I'm talking about the way in which those secrets are obtained, at least when it comes to U.S. citizens. What happened to innocent until prover guilty? If all the government agencies have nothing to hide, they should not care if we the people are spying on them. We elected them to represent us, and if you look at the appearance of things, they do not seem to be representing us.

 We've had almost six years with hope and change, yet nothing of importance has been done. In fact, more liberties have been taken away, which breaks their oath, and there is little hope, and change is all that is left in my pocket. I believe if the people of this country could have some truth so they could make informed decisions about who we vote for next time, we could get real change going. The only way that's going to happen is to hold those who use propaganda and false intelligence to get us into these wars and conflicts with every country that just happens to be oil rich, hold them responsible for their actions and lies, and to hold them responsible for all those they hire or appoint to positions within the Government.

 There cannot be freedom when a Government stops being for the people and instead favor corporations, weapons manufacturers, and bail out banks when they were the ones that committed crimes and got us into this mess economically. If one of us, We the People had ripped off the other people like the banks did, we would go to jail. But not the banks, they were rewarded for their crimes with tax dollars and they called it bail outs. Why didn't they have to bail out of jail instead? None of this makes sense. Why are people still not angry enough to finally stand up to this obvious bull_hit, and demand real representation from those we elect.

 When we elect a representative they must take an oath of office. This oath is very clear in it's message, and breaking this oath is a very serious crime. Where are the prosecutors and judges who are supposed to be watching these things, and why have none of these people been charged with crimes against the people. Obviously our system is broken and the voters are just a joke to these people, and worse, they do not take their oath seriously. It is time to make a stand and take this country away from the oath breakers who pretend to represent us and instead represent big business and special interest.

 They tell us it is keeping our economy strong but we see how well that is working out. The bottom line here is this. Truth and justice should apply to everyone, and it does not. There are people above the law, and they continue to rape and pillage this country in every way possible. If we do nothing then we deserve what is coming, economical collapse and plunged into the darkness of poverty and hardship. This could be the greatest country on earth, and there is enough resources to go around. But if you are paying attention, it has been sliding over to the one percent having it all, and the ninety nine percent having nothing. There have been numerous warnings over the past two hundred years about banks and the military industrial complex, and we ignored them. We are sitting in our nice homes believing everything will work out, yet deep down in our gut, we all know something is wrong. We are hoping against hope our gut is wrong, but it is not. Wake up now or sleep forever in the bed of ignorance. May God help us all. GW

1 comment:

  1. We the people have been abused for too long. What is alarming is that now is the time to act before its too late. And unfortunately we are almost to "too late." I realize that for most people even discussing this issue is hard, but keeping your heads in the ground like an ostrich is absolutely far worse. We have to get back to basics, which comes down to facing the truth and taking a step towards changing that which is before us back into which it was. There should be no delays in this at all. I real as if people are scared because they don't want to disrupt their lives with anything. And I get that, but no one has to do anything evil or unethical to achieve this. All we have to do is stand up, say no more, and take our country back.
