Monday, September 9, 2013

Image of God

[ih-maj-uh-ney-shuhn] Show
the faculty of imagining, or of forming mental images or concepts of what is not actually present to the senses.
the action or process of forming such images or concepts.
the faculty of producing ideal creations consistent with reality, as in literature, as distinct from the power of 

creating illustrative or decorative imagery. Compare fancy (  def 2 ) .
the product of imagining; a conception or mental creation, often a baseless or fanciful one.
ability to face and resolve difficulties; resourcefulness: a job that requires imagination.

 Science has shown that a person who imagines something, compared to actually seeing or doing something, is the same to the mind. The mind cannot tell the difference between reality and fantasy. Think about that. If you whisper a fantasy into the ear of the imagination, repeating it often, adding detail and visualizing it as if it is really happening, the mind will assume it true.

 How does this compare to Adam and Eve? Adam is your left brain, the dominate side, which explains why men dominate women, because of the wrong interpretation of the meaning, and Eve took the fall because Eve represents the right brain, the imagination side, the one that cannot tell the difference between fantasy and reality. The fall of humankind is due to the closing up of the imagination through trickery, and living only through the left dominate side of our brains.

 The imagination is the image of God we were made in, meaning all things are possible in the imagination, and the forbidden knowledge was the map of the brain and how to use the two brains against each other to bring us to this point. Words, language, that is what created the prison for our spirit, our soul, our imagination, our image of god we were endowed with. The Tower of Babel, was telling us our language was changed. We went from speaking a language that gave us power to one that caused mass confusion. The new language reduced the awe and wonder of everything to a word, a label.

 I think it was Terence McKenna that told the story of a baby laying in his crib when suddenly a beautiful thing came in to his awareness. It fluttered around the room, it was of many colors and made funny noises as it fluttered. The babies eyes were wide with awe and wonder as he watched this thing fly around his room, he was making cooing noises and blabbering. When the Mother heard this she went to check on him and saw what was causing him to make noises, and said, that's why you are so excited. It's ok honey, it.s just a bird, just a bird. So this amazing creature that was so wonderful at first was reduced to just a bird.

 So capturing our imagination, our spirit of God, we became sleep walkers on earth. We appear outwardly to be awake. We even have intelligent conversations with each other, but internally, the eternal part of ourself, the Image of God we were given, was put to sleep. Surely you will die said God about eating the fruit. God was telling us that we forsake our God within by manipulating our minds, our imagination.

 Religion is the supreme manipulator of the mind using words. Fear of God's wrath, fear of Hell, fear of many things keeps us in line. Then we rob our children of free will by forcing our religious views onto them. Even if you don't physically or mentally force them to follow your religion, through repetition we slowly capture their imagination, convincing them, covertly, that our religion is true. Our imagination buys that lie and bam, it becomes a prisoner to it. Once we believe something with every fiber of our being, it closes off the imagination so that it cannot be changed, and it does not have to be true.

 A little over 500 years ago the entire world thought the earth was flat. That did not make it true in reality, but it made it true to them. Are you starting to see the truth here? Are you beginning to see how they have used our own minds against us? I will write more on this subject later, but for now, think about this. This is powerful knowledge if understood correctly.    More later. G

1 comment:

  1. Damn it you are trying like hell to be killed or what!!!??
