Friday, March 22, 2013

Explaining Evil

 Everyone tries to understand how God being love could allow evil to exist. It is a legitimate concern, so let me try to explain it in my simple terms. I will do this in steps. First step is, God is everything, everything is God. Nothing exist outside of God. Second, to personify God is creating an idol to worship. God is not a person like human beings are, because God incarnates in everything, plants, trees, animals, humans, everything. In most mainstream religions, they demonize nature. To worship a tree is evil they say, but yet God is in the tree. Nature is pure, free flowing, and God-like in every way. What's un-natural is trying to overcome nature. We build roads and buildings intruding on nature all the time. When what we should be doing is living in harmony with nature. Outside my house right now is man made trash littering my yard and street, no matter how many times I go out there is always some trash an inconsiderate a.o. has discarded so they would not have to take the few seconds to dispose of it properly. Anyway, nature is just as much a part of God as we are.

 The next thing I would like to touch upon is the properties of light. In doing so, it will help explain the reason for evil. When sunlight passes through a prism it separates into the many colors that make up sunlight. Like rainbow colors, sunlight contains all the light waves that exist here in physical form. So it is with God. When God incarnates in each of us we act as prism to light, we separate God into all God's parts pertaining to humanness. Because God is perfect balance between all duality you can say God is not good or evil, God is both at the same time but in balance. It is us, humans that separate God's balance into duality at both ends of the thing we speak of. It's like standing in the center between the North pole and the South pole. We are neither favoring North or South, we are both at the same time and neither also.

 So whether we want it or not, God is incarnating through all of us, and it depends on whether you are standing slightly toward the good or evil that determines the way God incarnates through us. We are out of balance and it is obvious. I am amazed when I hear these extreme preachers or holy men, talk about fighting evil. That is a losing battle no matter how you look at it. You cannot overcome one or the other you can only be at one extreme or the other which is out of balance. Just like war begets war, peace begets peace, good begets good. And the way to do this is to bring our own darkness into the light. Which is a fancy way of saying bring that which is unconscious within you into consciousness and it cannot be dark any more once light has been upon it. We are quick to point outwards whenever we see a horrible crime committed against another human. Never even considering that we ourselves are just as capable of committing the same act given the right circumstances.

 That's the main reason we should not judge others, we have no idea what it's like to be them. We do not know what they have been through, the abuse they may have endured, physically, sexually or psychologically. Yet we see ourselves as saints compared to murderers and other criminals who commit violent crimes. But you would be surprised at what you are capable of under the right circumstances. God is the creating force behind everything that exist, and the best way to honor God is to be a loving forgiving human being that understands his own darkness instead of projecting it out on to others. We cannot do anything about what others do, we can only do that within ourselves. If you only understand one thing your entire life, it should be that everything you see wrong with the world is not external, it's internal. You will never fix the outside world, you can only fix the internal world that is you. If everybody did that, you would see a totally different world outside yourself. I hope this helps clear up some things you may struggle with.  God is love, everything else is bullshit.
Thanks for your time. Time is an illusion. I call time the shadow of eternity. Scarygary
BTW, if you like this post or not, leave a comment for others to read. Thatssssssssss all folks.

1 comment:

  1. Very well written maybe people really could be nice and caring. Wouldn't that be strange.
    Love Ya,
