Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Gun control

 For whatever reason, the government is using this Sandy Hook shooting to press hard for gun control. So I want to know where it will end. So you take away the guns, and murderers will start killing with knives, then we take knives away. Then there will be killing with clubs, so we ban those also. Out of frustration killers begin choking victims with their bare hands. So now we have to ban hands. OK everyone, give us your hands, we don't want any more deaths due to hands.

 Sounds silly I know, but that's exactly what I'm talking about. You have one lone nut, (according to the news)  shooting up a school and killing children, and you have millions of gun owners that have never killed anyone with their guns, but now you want them to give them up because of a few deranged people who go on a killing spree. Sounds crazy to me.

 If you ban guns, killers will buy them on the black market. When the police investigate a murder and find a weapon that was bought this way, they have no idea who owns the gun. Doesn't it make more sense to make people register their guns so when they are used in a crime we can find the owners and hold them responsible. If they didn't do it, then it had to be someone who had access to that gun. Much easier to catch them.
 A gun sitting in the closet cannot murder someone. It has to be done by a human being. Therefore, the argument that guns kill people is ridiculous, people kill people with guns, but guns never go on trial for murder. They become the evidence to convict the guilty. Killers will kill no matter what. Banning guns is the last ditch effort of a country that is trying to become a dictatorship.

 The founding Fathers of the United States of America knew the importance of citizens having the right to bear arms, that's why they have the second amendment. What a lot of people have forgotten is, it was the citizens forming a militia that kept this country from being taken over by other countries. If they were not allowed guns, we would not have any freedoms like we do. Freedom must be looked after constantly. If you do not believe that, go read some quotes by the founding fathers about tyranny, and keeping freedom.
 That is all for now.  

Saturday, December 15, 2012


 I hope this blog about hope will give you some hope. Lets look at this curious word. The first entry on dictionary.com


[hohp] Show IPA noun, verb, hoped, hop·ing.
the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best: to give up hope.
THE FEELING, is very important here. Also one of the word origins comes from "wish". Wish and hope are fairy tale words, and when they are used to pacify the masses, they seem to have great power. False hope seems to be holding us captive in a trance like state so that the State, can continue business as usual. I'm going to let you in on a big secret. This secret will reveal to you the way to know real hope from false hope. 
Shhhhh. Keep this to yourself, we would not want this to get into the wrong hands, and people would actually use this to help shake them loose from this mad world. Real hope is never spoken. 
 It is not a word that causes your eyes to glaze over and your mind to imagine a different world. Real hope comes from within and just like the dictionary states, it is a feeling, not an actual tangible object. Hope arises only when true people of honor are taking action to make this a better world. Not because some slick politician wants to get elected to office. Real hope has not been around for a very long time. In fact, JFK was the last president who caused the people to have real hope and you see what happened to him.
 In America, people see this kind of information as conspiracy theories, or just the ranting of a nut job. They march as if proud to the polls every election and pick their candidate for various offices, and almost every time it is between two parties, Democrat and Republican. And they have the feeling of hope when their candidate wins. But hope soon fades in the shadows of reality when very little gets done and the snail pace of change never materializes, because to change it would mean giving up power, and we sure don't want the common man to have real hope now do we? 
 I've watched so many elections come and go over the years and one thing is for certain. They all do and say the same things in different ways and the people like fish, grab the bait and run. But it's too late because the hook has us and now all they have to do is reel us in. By the way, for all you hope and change sheeple that are still looking for that hope and change, sorry, you are out of luck. I mean come on, the president has for his cabinet members the same crooks from Wall Street that got us in this mess to begin with. And they won't be happy until they have it all. And they will get it too, you watch. They are coming after Social Security which is money you paid in, and they will get it. So while you are hoping for change, you may want to just hope you have a little change left when they get done. 

Friday, October 26, 2012

Living in the wrong world

 Are we living in the wrong world?  Strange question right?  But think about this; In the story of Adam and Eve, once we choose to eat from the tree of knowledge everything changed didn't it?  We went from walking along side God to being separated from God when we were kicked out of the garden. I'm going to make this post short so here's what I'm thinking, God is spirit, spirit dwells in the mental world of thought. Outside the mental world is the physical world of matter. Are we spirits trapped in matter outside the spirit world, under a powerful spell and given artificial light to create the illusion of this reality? We do not believe in fairy tales, and we do not believe anything exist if we cannot detect it with one of our senses.  We only have to listen and we could hear God speaking in a whisper, and God is saying, "WAKE UP, it's a trick by the master of deception and you keep repeating the same mistakes, how can you not know that you've done this many times before? You are on your own until you realize you are beyond my reach. You must come back inside and find me and then you will be truly free. But you won't listen, why?" The light is within and only artificial light exist here in the physical world. You went from a dream to a nightmare, and the worse part about it is, it is dressed up like some kind of weird paradise and you believe it's the only reality. I wish I knew the magic words to wake you up, but I don't. No one will wake up as long as they are unaware that they are asleep. Just because you believe you are awake doesn't make it so. Peace.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Why I believe in magic

 When I say magic, I'm not talking pull a rabbit out of your hat magic. I'm not talking about illusions done on a stage where a cape is used to make the assistant disappear. No, the magic I believe in is a very powerful magic. So powerful, it goes undetected, and yet continues to hold everyone, at least the vast majority, under some kind of weird spell that causes them to see what is not there and not see what is there. Like a hypnotist that places his subjects in a trance like state, where they still interact as usual, hold intelligent conversations, but at the snap of his finger, will cluck like a chicken then deny they ever did such a thing.

 Anyone who is partially awake, or to state it differently, anyone who is not under this spell so deep they can't see things, must know something is just not right. You may not know what that is, but you just know it doesn't seem right. People all over the world are in a trance like state. Watch their faces as you go by, when they are unaware of you observing. They stare off at distant objects or they are dazed by something shiny or someone dressed a certain way.  There is something wrong and the only thing that explains it so it makes some kind of sense is, the world is under a magic spell. It's not good magic either. No it is dark and evil magic.

 Those very few elites who are hell bent on taking total control of earth and all it's resources have been following a certain plan or blueprint that has everything carefully thought out. Even though some of these elite are highly intelligent, this master plan far exceeds any plan man can come up with. Therefore it must be the master magician that guides them, and they must know this entity is very real, since they have invested so much time and effort over many generations to bring these plans to where we are today. So yes, I believe in magic, and the magician is a very dark force running free throughout the planet selecting temporary magicians to help manifest the events laid out in a master plan stretching over thousands of years.

 If you understand any of this, you are one of the few lucky ones not entirely overwhelmed by the spell. Look around you. How powerful must this spell be to have such a strong hold on the minds of so many. And then, if anyone partially awake tries to warn you, they are laughed at, ridiculed, sent to the psycho ward, or just ignored as a lunatic. The nut in the basement typing out a manifesto of whacky conspiracies. That is one powerful spell my friend. There is something wrong with the world today, and most people don't even know it. I wish I could snap my fingers and everyone would wake up, but it doesn't work. Something must be done, and very soon. If you are waiting to be saved when super God swoops down and carries you off to heaven at the last minute, good luck. God can't save us if we do not know the truth. We are covered in lies and hiding from God. This world is built on lies and until or if we ever realize it, we are at the mercy of this dark force.

 This dark force has no mercy. That's why we keep allowing the masters top people to use our children to fight wars, kill and kill more, overwhelm us with bullshit, feed us propaganda through the media, and put on the magic show that makes people believe their vote counts, that those at the top have our best interest at heart, and that everything will be ok if you just believe, just believe, just believe. Belief that you are in heaven will not change the fact if you are in hell. As a great mind once said, "A belief is not an idea the mind possesses. It is an idea that possesses the mind." Google that to find out who said it, I forget, but what he said is very powerful. A belief possesses your mind, and from all the years I've researched how the mind works, that statement is 100% correct. About 500 years ago the entire world thought the earth was flat. It didn't matter that we now know that is not true. They believed it and that belief was so powerful you could be put in prison for stating otherwise. Ask Galileo, life under house arrest when he discovered we revolve around the sun instead of what the bible said. Yes, the church was, is and forever will be in charge of this world, and their master is not who they tell you it is. No sir, but you didn't hear that from me. Peace, good luck, I hope it's not too late. General Meek, ha ha! 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Ye are Gods

Dogs have puppies, Cats have kittens and Gods have godlings. I read that in a book called, Jung to live by. It was written by Eugene Pascal. Very good book, I highly recommend it. It talks about many concepts of Carl Jung, one of the greatest thinkers in the past hundred years. So using this godling metaphor, first I want to say, you are not the God of creation. But you are not much different in many ways. The biggest difference is in scale. Take the ocean for example. Dip out a cup of ocean water and have it analyzed. It contains all the properties of the ocean, but it cannot support the life that an ocean can. It's a much smaller scale. Our bodies are home to billions of cells, many different kinds of cells. They are designed for life, the image of God. Whenever a flu virus enters the body, cells begin attacking it trying to eliminate it as quickly as possible. Now all the different cells in our body have different functions. But they do not kill each other off just because they can like humans do.

These cells depend on you to keep them healthy and strong in order to do their job within your body. So you are the god of these billions of cells. White cells, red cells, t-cells etc. These are like the different races of humans. As far as I know, which I'm far from an expert in biology, none of these cells have prejudice against the others and try to prevent them from being themselves. There's no double lines at the water fountain, one for white cells and one for red cells. And I'm quite sure none of them declare war on the others and try to eliminate them totally and take their oil, I mean resources.

 You do not have to make your heart pump blood through the circulatory system, and you do not consciously make your lungs inhale and exhale. All the body functions just do it out of a knowing. We are not conscious of this part of ourselves. You see, believe it or not, within each of us is a divine spirit that runs the whole show covertly. But the problem is, we do have influence over how it does these functions. Just like a self fulfilling prophecy, if you mentally keep telling yourself you have cancer, guess what? Your body will develop cancer. The divine spirit does not distinguish between good and evil, light and dark. It does things on auto pilot unless we direct it to do otherwise. Giving us exactly what we ask for. In this way you are the god of your own world.

 When we are born into physical beings, we begin transforming ourselves according to the outside influences. A Jewish child will most likely  turn out doing the same things their parents did keeping the tradition alive. Just like a Christian family will begin from the day of their child's birth teaching that child their own beliefs, and that child has no choice but to be heavily influenced by parents and their beliefs. A baby has total trust in the care givers and believe what they tell them. And with every religion, they all claim to be the only correct one and that is impossible. Yet not one even considers their own beliefs to be the wrong one. But all of them must be if one claims to be. You see, a universal religion is the only one God the creator would approve of. Not one based on where on the earth you were born, what color your skin is, or what silly belief you hold as sacred.

 If God created religion, it would be so self evident that no one would misunderstand it, no one would be excluded, and it would be of such simplicity that anyone at any level of intelligence would be able to know it is of God. Any religion that has a polar opposite to it is false. God is balance, dark and light balanced creating perfect harmony and trinity. When light and dark are completely equal and joined like in a dance, balance is automatic, which completes trinity. Light plus Dark plus Balance equals trinity. I have never understood how a human being could possibly believe God is prejudice, or shows favorites. God is life, God is love, God is peace, God is forgiveness, etc. etc. And most of all, God does not hate. How anyone cannot get that is beyond my understanding. I see people with bible quotes on signs outside places and they place their own words in there as if they have permission to speak for God, and they claim God Hates Fags, or God hates infidels and other nonsense. Only man knows how to hate period.

 Only man benefits from most of the quotes taken out of context in the bibles. Like men being superior over women. REALLY? OK, let us eliminate women all together then and see how long we last! Oh, that's right, they bare our children giving life to every generation. Doesn't sound inferior to me. I sure and fuck couldn't carry a newborn for nine months and squeeze it out my ass, but maybe some of you other men could! Only man would make such statements.  But from the moment we are born the transformation begins. Our eyes open, shiny keys are dangled before our eyes and we go into a trance for life. Turn your TV on and have your families favorite program on, excuse yourself, go out side peer in so they do not know you are watching them, and see how amazed they are at this magic box. Their eyes widen, pupils dilate and blank stares form. Why do you think they call it programing?

 We are all so deep into this system of influence, even bringing it to your attention will not help. You'll find a way to brush it off as just another crazy conspiracy theory and I probably have a suicide manifesto prepared. Sorry, no such luck. I am crazy, but only because you cannot be sane in an insane world, it drives you crazy.
                                               Peace and good luck. i c the tao ( I see the WAY)   

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Here is the Apocalypse

Part I
 I want to talk about the word Apocalypse first. Here is the word origin according to dictionary.com:
1125–75; Middle English  < Late Latin apocalypsis  < Greek apokálypsis  revelation, equivalent to apokalýp ( tein ) to uncover, reveal ( apo- apo-  + kalýptein  to cover, conceal) + -sis -sis
Then the current definition: apocalypse 

— n
1. a prophetic disclosure or revelation
2. an event of great importance, violence,
etc, like the events described in the Apocalypse

3. any revelation  or prophecy.

 If you look at the word origin it means to uncover or reveal something that is covered or concealed.
That is my purpose in this article, to uncover something that is hidden. The first thing I'd like to reveal is the reasons the ancient text such as the bibles and other holy writings were written in the way they were. The writers of these texts were not your ordinary writers. How they were given the inspiration to write these cryptic words can only be explained in two ways. Either they were far more advanced than we are even today, or they were truly inspired by God. I choose the latter. The reason I say this has nothing to do with religion, cause let's face it, religion is not the best way to find God, but it is the best way to obtain a lot of wealth and power. Maybe the intention was to serve God, but it does nothing but serve men, and only certain men. There is a lot of writings in the various bibles that was put in there after the ones who originally wrote it were finished. People say to me, but the bible can't be changed, no one can do that. But I say to them, really? OK let us look. Just not that many years ago, the holy matrimony vows were changed from love honor and obey, to love honor and cherish. Now if that's not changing it I don't know what is.

 Here's the thing, it may seem like an innocent change, even a change for the better. (Which it is in my opinion) but that one change proves that the writings can be modified to reflect the times, so how many thousands of times
has the church leaders done this over several thousand years? Each change adds up to a completely different book than the original. Galileo was placed under house arrest by the church, which was, is and continues to be the law or at least an influence on the law even if covertly, for stating that we revolved around the Sun instead of the way the church and the ancient texts states which is the opposite. Right here you have proof that some if not most of the statements in the bible could not have been God's holy word. Had it been God's word, it would have stated the truth, that the earth does revolve around the Sun. But forget all that, because once you understand that these writings hold a very divine secret, all the changes over the years are meaningless.

 For one, the writings tell a story that has been interpreted a thousand or more ways since it was written. The layers underneath also have been over translated and interpreted way too much. In several places it even tells you how to read it, as if someone knew the thing would get screwed up over the years. If you want to know what it says about it, one thing to look up is a statement about not following the letter, but follow the spirit. Because the letter kills and the spirit gives life. So what does it mean. It means to take it literally, by the letters used to form words and sentences, you will go down the road of death and destruction. But taken symbolically, you will find eternal life. Somewhere in 2 Corinthians is says something like, we do not look at the things seen, but at the things unseen, for the seen is temporal, but the unseen is eternal. Which is another way of saying not to look at it as physical reality, but spiritual psychology. The world today is stuck looking at the outside world as the only reality that exist. This was done by design. Whoever and whatever the long term plan is for the people on earth is to keep you from realizing who you are. If you remember who you are, the forces of darkness that are fully in charge of earth now would be in deep trouble. The state we are in presently is strictly on the physical plane while our spirits are in a comatose state.

 Here is where it starts to get really heavy and hard for people who have been seeped in religion so deeply they fear and dare not speak against the church because they are told this is blasphemous and unforgivable. I wonder why it is the worse sin possible to question the churches authority on the God business? HMMMM.
There was a time a few hundred years or so ago when it was against the law to own a bible outside the church. They were afraid if people read it, they would question it so much the church would suffer a loss of profit so great they would no longer exist. But the effect on people has been so heavy they no longer question the odd behavior of God and the strange contradictions that fill page after page. The reason this is so is because they would never tell you the real hidden secret of the writings. If they did it certainly would be the end for the church. Read symbolically as spiritual psychology, it begins to make a lot more sense.

 This is were the forbidden knowledge comes into play. Forbidden knowledge was not designed to keep ordinary people ignorant. It was forbidden because if it fell into the wrong hands, (which it most certainly did) it could be used for evil. And that is why evil now owns the earth and the people. You can't win a war if you don't know there is a war, and if you discover there is a war, you do not know that you have weapons of mass destruction within you to defeat darkness. This is what I do not understand when talking to people who believe themselves saved and own a ticket to heaven. Do you really think that it could be so simple to avoid evil that all you have to do is declare your belief in a man sent here as God's son and/or is God in the flesh? Really, that's all it takes yet the world is fast spinning into a black hole to hell and you still believe you are safe? Here is what forbidden knowledge has done in the wrong hands. Forbidden knowledge is knowledge of the mind. Knowledge that gives power to trick and deceive if being used by a corrupted being. Knowing you will believe things if certain procedures are followed has allowed darkness to disguise itself as light and lead the world astray. Not just non-believers, the world. 

Part II

 Because I've studied the Old and New Testament, this is what I will use to explain why you should not read it as literal truth, but instead as Spiritual Psychology.  But all the bibles are similar in the fact that they are using stories to tell a deeper story. Sort of like a Fairy tale hiding a true story so that it can be told. Truth can only be told in a round about way. Like a comic who stands on stage and tells you truth through funny stories. Making it funny they are not exactly saying this is true, even though it has truth in it. The story of Adam and Eve is the story of you and me and everyone else. God is your divine spirit, Adam your left hemisphere of the brain, Eve is your right Hemisphere, and the Serpent is Ego. God, Adam and Eve form balance, the Trinity. But along comes the Ego, arrogance, and self service starts to disrupt the balance. Your Ego convinces you that to obtain the forbidden knowledge is equal to becoming your own God. God couldn't find Adam in the Garden  because Adam had been replaced with Ego. Ego now has you believing it is you. In other words, Ego says I am you and you believe it, forsaking the divine spark within you and becoming a false person.

 I have never met anyone who is completely uncovered revealing their true self. That is how powerful the spell is of Ego. You see smart people doing dumb things in the news. That's because they are fully entranced by Ego and Ego makes the decisions for them even though it seems like you are the one doing it. This is information that is hidden from you so you never figure out why you do dumb things sometimes. Even though the Ego is not real, it has done a fantastic job of convincing us it is real and it is us. Ego arose from the imagination, or the Eve side of the brain, convincing Adam that it was real in the process. This is why Eve took the fall.  Ego is like the mask you put on when you pretend to be who people expect you to be, which is all the time. You have a mask for friends, for work, and for society. We take them all off when alone except for the Ego mask because we believe it is the only self there is. As long as we continue to allow Ego to do this we are spiritually asleep. and that is 99.9% of us.

 I know there is a lot of good people in the world. And I know the corner church has nothing but love and caring within it's walls. But over all, we have become self centered, arrogant, greedy, consumers that believe we are right about everything. One example I see everyday is drivers. I spend 6 to 7 hours per day driving the streets and freeways of the greater Los Angeles area. People make driving errors all the time, but when they do, they look at the other driver like it is their fault. Because they cannot accept that they are wrong they find a way to justify their own bad driving and blame another for the close call they just caused. Nobody is right if everybody is wrong. Who wrote that line in a song? I can't remember right now. I think CSNY.  But my point is, this is not our natural state. We are not by nature so arrogant and selfish. Sure there are exceptions, but we have become almost alien to the humans we were 50 years ago.

 One reason people are the way we are is the media. We are told by magazines, newspapers, radio and television that to be a winner we must be successful, wear certain fashions, be a certain size, buy certain products like cars, own certain houses, and we have done so. But now what we are seeing is the top 1% gaining 30, 40, even 50% increase in profits while the people who work for the 1% are losing their job, getting cuts in hours and benefits, and overall lower wages while the cost of living continues to rise. Almost everyone except the privileged few are struggling to make ends meet. This is all about greed. But the business mentality is, either work for these low wages or we'll find someone who will. It's really sad how things are spinning into such a one-sided world. All for the few, and none for the many.

 The thing is, this will one day soon it will backfire. How long will it be until the many cannot afford to buy high end products, and the few can only use so much of it, so they will be producing items that no one can buy or have as many as they need already. Then what? If they don't share the wealth in a fair way, this will all come to an end and then what?

Part III

The world of illusion. Or, we are brainwashed and do not realize it.

 We truly do live in a world of illusion. People cannot see through the many layers of falsehood that covers this world so well. Freedom, does not exist, not true freedom anyway. And we've been warned many times in the past and present about this being so. But the trick is so clever, we do not see a problem. 

 There are still a lot of people who do not believe there is a hidden hand of a very select group controlling the leaders of every country, all media outlets, including the internet, but they didn't take full control of the net in time, and that is good for truth seekers. I have seen presidents come and go since Eisenhower, and one thing I can tell you. None of them made any real changes in this country.

 Try as they might, all change is slow, giving just a tiny bit at a time, and only if the demands of the people will not quiet. Throughout history you can trace it. The founding fathers of this country, who were very wise people, even they only made certain changes. The words, all men are created equal, didn't include women, slaves, and other less important people. These changes came at a snail crawl. Women's right to vote took a long time, as did the end the slavery. Slavery is so wrong on many levels, and within the heart of every human being you know that is so. If you do not then you have a dark heart and a stained soul.

 Every person who thinks should also know that women are not inferior to men. Different yes, inferior no. Making women second class citizens in a world that depends on them to carry the next generation through childbirth is absolutely insane. God would never declare such a thing. That is a man made law and men used God's name to make that law official. Men want control just like apes rule by strength. One ruler controls the tribe until a stronger, younger male comes along and defeats the current one. By making God a male entity, men took over the world. And now all these years later, look where it has lead! God is neither male of female, God is purified creative spirit energy. God the creator is love, compassion, life, and breath.

 Everything else is a false God, the god of this world. God does not need us to bow down and worship "HIM" the way church claims. To worship God, all one has to do is live life like God intended. To love, experience joy, have compassion and respect for others, etc. Instead, man moved away from God, started killing others for their land and resources, then used God's name to control those within the invisible boundaries set up by rulers of old. Do you really think God drew lines in the land to create different countries? Do you really believe God only loves people born in one particular country? Every religion claims themselves to be the one true religion. They know exactly what God wants and how God wants us all to be.

 Are Jewish people God's chosen people? Are Christians God's or excuse me Jesus chosen people. Or does Allah only love Muslims and the rest should be murdered any way possible and those who do murder in his name will be rewarded in the other life with 70 some virgins? Really? Allah is going to give you all those virgins as your sex slaves. Isn't that a bit perverted? Allah wants men to have that many young girls to do to them what you want sexually and other ways too? I'm not sure I would want to worship this Allah, he sounds like the rest of them, a lot twisted and sick. It is hard for me to imagine that here we are in the year 2012, and we still hold these very odd, primitive and very bizarre beliefs in such a psychotic male god or I should say gods.

 For all their differences, the mainstream religions are basically giving us the same god with each religion adding it's own little twist on it. L. Ron Hubbard was a science fiction writer who said the real way to make money is to invent a religion. And so he did, Scientology. Have you ever read their beliefs. If you are a religious person and you feel smug right now stop. Your religion looks just as strange when looked at from the outside. From the inside it looks like the only religion to follow. But then, even the writers of the bibles were smart enough to know that it would be interpreted in many ways, and used for good and evil. There are plenty of signs and secrets within the many paragraphs of all the bibles. Most are warnings about being lead astray and some were telling you plainly where heaven was located. Hint: It's not in the sky! Well if you believe one of the many fairy tales the clergy tells you I probably need to tell you instead of just a hint. Heaven is in you. Where at? In the mind. Which is what it is all about anyway. Consciousness creates whatever we choose to focus on, good or bad. You may want to monitor where you've been keeping your focus. Especially if you have not been keeping it on you, by going within and trying to discover your own doorway to heaven instead of following other peoples dead ends.

To be continued