Friday, August 30, 2013


 All around me I see people with misguided focus. Taylor Swift, to Syria and the pending WW III. While Syria is a cause for concern, there is little you and I can do about these ignorant, sick and twisted people running our country in the ground. The majority of the worlds population cannot hold their thoughts long enough to think about serious things like Syria anyway. And those who are either partially or fully awake are so out-numbered we dare not make a stand. But what I've come to realize is, we cannot force others to see what their blind mind refuses to see, we cannot shake them awake, and we cannot get them to realize that the surface of these events is not where their focus should be, so the best thing to do right now is work on ourselves.

 I recently came across an article talking about anonymous being made up of computer genius's and a lot of them in the military. The article explained the ways in which they were trying to counter what the Federal Reserve and our own leaders are trying to do, which is to bankrupt our country. What is the motive? Well now let's think about that. Take a place like Haiti. It has had some bad times, and economically it is a third world country. Why is that? Doesn't it have resources to export and goods to sell locally? Why yes, yes it does. But there is this one problem.

 When countries run into financial problems, bankers, well, sick con-men who is titled bankers, will offer to help them out financially. They do not do this out of the kindness of their hearts. No, they charge high interest and they use a countries resources as collateral. Did you get that? They know sooner or later the loan the offered will go bad, and when you can't pay, the bank forecloses on you and takes whatever collateral you signed away. Which could be fruit, like in South America when Dole and the CIA under the direction of our  leaders took away all the fruit growing operations and left them with nothing except low wages and a life of slavery.

 So if they can break us, which is already in the final stages, we will be offered this mafia style loan which will be impossible to pay back, and then we lose our entire country. You see people, with wealth and power comes monsters. The more wealth the more power, the more intoxicated they become. It's like the most addictive drug known to exist. Look at the police departments all over this once great land for an example of what power will do when left unchecked.

 The police are supposed to serve and protect. We pay their salaries. Little by little they have gained more and more power until now, even innocent people are being beaten and killed on a daily bases. This is not wild fantasy or paranoia, this is fact. So by working on ourselves and trying to focus on staying awake, because it is so easy to be distracted, we will be ready to help those who finally start stirring in their sleep.

 We have to be the awaken ones we wish to see in others. Peace, G

1 comment:

  1. It's exactly what we need to do, we need to stay focused and awake to help others who start to wake. I agree 100% with that. Very good blog, it's exactly what we need to keep hearing, because we are the ones who can change all of this, if only we would could all awaken and stay there.
