Friday, August 30, 2013


 All around me I see people with misguided focus. Taylor Swift, to Syria and the pending WW III. While Syria is a cause for concern, there is little you and I can do about these ignorant, sick and twisted people running our country in the ground. The majority of the worlds population cannot hold their thoughts long enough to think about serious things like Syria anyway. And those who are either partially or fully awake are so out-numbered we dare not make a stand. But what I've come to realize is, we cannot force others to see what their blind mind refuses to see, we cannot shake them awake, and we cannot get them to realize that the surface of these events is not where their focus should be, so the best thing to do right now is work on ourselves.

 I recently came across an article talking about anonymous being made up of computer genius's and a lot of them in the military. The article explained the ways in which they were trying to counter what the Federal Reserve and our own leaders are trying to do, which is to bankrupt our country. What is the motive? Well now let's think about that. Take a place like Haiti. It has had some bad times, and economically it is a third world country. Why is that? Doesn't it have resources to export and goods to sell locally? Why yes, yes it does. But there is this one problem.

 When countries run into financial problems, bankers, well, sick con-men who is titled bankers, will offer to help them out financially. They do not do this out of the kindness of their hearts. No, they charge high interest and they use a countries resources as collateral. Did you get that? They know sooner or later the loan the offered will go bad, and when you can't pay, the bank forecloses on you and takes whatever collateral you signed away. Which could be fruit, like in South America when Dole and the CIA under the direction of our  leaders took away all the fruit growing operations and left them with nothing except low wages and a life of slavery.

 So if they can break us, which is already in the final stages, we will be offered this mafia style loan which will be impossible to pay back, and then we lose our entire country. You see people, with wealth and power comes monsters. The more wealth the more power, the more intoxicated they become. It's like the most addictive drug known to exist. Look at the police departments all over this once great land for an example of what power will do when left unchecked.

 The police are supposed to serve and protect. We pay their salaries. Little by little they have gained more and more power until now, even innocent people are being beaten and killed on a daily bases. This is not wild fantasy or paranoia, this is fact. So by working on ourselves and trying to focus on staying awake, because it is so easy to be distracted, we will be ready to help those who finally start stirring in their sleep.

 We have to be the awaken ones we wish to see in others. Peace, G

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Waking up in hell

 The old television show the twilight zone use to present stories with bizarre twist to them. That is what waking up is like. I know most people believe they are awake, oh how they see reality for what it is. They have no clue. Imagine finding yourself on an alien planet with normal looking people who go about their daily lives like earthlings do, except there is one twist that only you can see in them. They all seem to be in a deep trance, and they are being programed to be the way they are without knowing it. Everything seems normal to them. In fact, if you try to tell them they are being programed covertly without their knowledge they laugh at you of think you are insane. Welcome to earth.

 The governments of most countries spend more on military weapons than they do to help people who are homeless, sick, and going hungry. In the United states we spend more on the military than all the other countries combined. We have become obsessed with war, death and destruction. For years there was the red scare. Russia was demonized and we were told they were a threat to our very existence. In school we even had bomb raid drills where we had to get on the floor under our desk and pretend this would save us if Russia ever attacked us. Russia was telling their people the same thing.

 Once Russia became less of a threat to us, we had no real enemies. That is until 9-11. That's when we gained a new and most dangerous enemy. So called terrorist that was faceless, living in various counties under-cover and we were told they could strike at any moment. Then those who take an oath to the constitution broke that oath by introducing the patriot act one and two. Basically rendering the constitution void of all it's laws. How could this happen? Because those who really run this world are sick twisted people who believe themselves to be above the law makes billions from war. The year of this post is 2013.

 By now we should be over the hostility and horrors of war. By now people should have realized war, racism, hatred and all other negative actions so easily taken by all of us are completely useless. By now we should have realized that killing in the name of God is not serving God at all, but serving the power intoxicated brain dead elite controllers of this world. By now we should have realized that God does not care what religion you are, even if you have no religion, God only cares about the person you are when you stand naked before God. And by naked I mean stripped of all your pretend justifications for the absurd actions you have done on eath to others.

 By now we should have realized that we are all in this together and for one or two percent of the worlds population to have 95% of the wealth is beyond absurd, it's completely insane. We have hundreds of thousands of people going to bed hungry and sleeping in places that rats sleep, while the few sit in their homes eating the finest food money can buy. And they really believe they deserve it and believe the rest of us deserve to be hungry because we are dumb enough to put up with it. In a way they are right about that.

 We have allowed them to tell us how to think, what to believe and we have remained ignorant of the truth because we're either too lazy to think or it's too scary to think. The truth is very ugly. Lies are much prettier. Also, to know the truth means you have to re-think everything you thought you already knew. I'm not going to put powered sugar on the truth to make it more appealing people, this world is NOTHING like what you have been told and Nothing like you believe it is. Not only are the signs everywhere, but so many people have been trying to tell you but you will not listen. You watch the television news and you believe everything they tell you. Never once considering the facts that contradict the story.

 Then on the opposite end of the information avenue you believe the internet is completely bogus, and full of conspiracy nuts who have some crazy agenda trying to get you to believe them over the government for some purpose not known to anyone. It seems we cannot distinguish between fact and fiction, and we certainly can't use reason and logic to put the pieces together and come to our own conclusions. It's so much easier to let the government and the church and the media tell us the way it is, that way we don't have to think and we don't have to be responsible for our actions or lack of actions. 

 But the ones that will pay dearly for this lack of action to stop this insanity are the children of the future. We have put it off so long, they will take over a world that no one wants to live on anymore. The rate we are consuming and destroying the air land and sea in shit brained. How can we think this can go on forever? Have we lost our minds completely? Don't answer that I'm afraid to know, just like a lot of folks are afraid to know basic truths that would help open their eyes and then we could start changing things to get us out of this mess.  

 I just hope our great great grandchildren will forgive us if we are not extinct by then. People cannot wrap their minds around the seriousness of all this. This shit is deadly serious, but it's probably way too late to do anything anyway. We crossed that line a lone time ago. Sadly it won't be long until we will all pay the highest price for this ignorance, extinction of the human species is upon us. You don't have to believe it, but you will have to face it, and then you will not only believe it, you will be guilty of doing nothing to prevent it.  Later Gman