Friday, September 27, 2013

Vision with a message part 2

                                   Vision with a message Part II
 Each thing we saw in this bizarre vision we had together I am trying to make sense out of it. Even though it's been a few years, it is still very vivid in my mind. Science can not be of help when they deny metaphysics because they cannot measure it.

 The Reptilian Guard;

  The cave like area we found ourselves in that day is located somewhere in our reptilian brain. The reptilian brain is our most primitive brain. It is the first brain we developed. It is the key to our survival. All our basic instincts come from there and now I believe it also is the hiding place for our shadow, as Carl Jung called it. The shadow is the depository for all the things we were taught to be ashamed of, feel guilty about, and it is where our suppressed expressions of our self goes when culture will not tolerate them. Maybe that was what the sleeping spirits represented. The guard is there to protect us from hurt, pain, rejection, and it the driving force of sex, since survival means passing on the DNA so that the reptilian brain continues on.

 The reptilian brain works in the dark, or sub-conscious mind. We are almost always unaware of it. The guard became very upset when my daughter and I were there in body, or awareness. Because we brought light into the dark room, and that just doesn't happen. The reptilian brain even though primitive, is a very strong force within our sub-conscious mind. Any time we attempt to do something that the reptilian brain or "RB" feels is a threat, the "RB" keeps us from doing it. If you have been rejected by a number of girls (if you are a young man) after a while the pain becomes too much and you will stop trying. The "RB" does this to keep the hurt from repeating.

 The "RB" sometimes cannot prevent you from doing everything. It is in a battle with your higher mind and becomes helpless when we are depressed, or feel like things are hopeless, and thoughts of suicide pop up in our minds. So what all this is telling me is, we are prisoners of the sub-conscious reptilian brain as long as we hide in there. All of our repressed and suppressed parts are locked in there because we were taught they were ugly, or shameful. Until we can bring our entire self into the light of consciousness, we are stuck. Which is what the rulers want. They have designed a program that insures they stay in business as leaders, keep us bound by shame guilt and fear, while they rape and pillage us and the entire planet we live on.

 I hope some of this makes sense, and I will write more later as I have these revelations.
 Peace, scarygary, icthetao.......

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of being stuck in a program that continually overwhelms us with negative thoughts, if you pay attention to everything; whether that be music, TV, or interactions with others, you will find it packed full of negativity. It's really bizarre. When we store those negative thoughts we are storing them in our sub conscious. Once in the subconscious mind it is never rejected, because Eve questions nothing. That negative thought becomes a picture in our sub conscious mind and if we dwell on it, it becomes a belief. So some how are beliefs are stuck in the sub conscious mind hidden under the reptilian mind. Which the end result is death on spiritual level.
