Sunday, September 22, 2013

How to take back our power

 We the people of the world hold the true power over our own lives. The fear generated by various leaders all over the world, is the boogie man generator. The reason for the fear of terrorism, the fear of illegal drugs, the fear of everything is control. When leaders produce a boogie man that causes people to fear for their safety, they will demand a leader to save them. It keeps leaders in the business of leading. Why would we need a leader if everyone took responsibility for their own lives and placed fear in the minds of all potential boogie men, or women. The last thing the boogie man wants is a hard time. If he knows you have the means and the guts to protect yourself and your family, he is not likely to try to harm you. We have nothing to fear but fear itself. FDR.

 So we really don't need a leader for that. And when is the last time any politician who is supposed to represent we the people, represented anything important to the people. Obama is a sick joke. Hope and change my ass. Our economy is in the toilet, and as soon as he is elected, (the first time) he appoints all the people from wall street to cabinet post, telling us they know how to fix it, when the truth is, they are the ones that got us into this mess. So they talk him into bailing out the banks with tax dollars, when those people at the banks should have been bailing out of jail for criminal activity. If an average person pulled a con on someone like the banks did, they would be locked up and the key thrown away. Where is justice? There is no justice for the people. In fact more and more, laws are being passed to protect corporations and big business from getting sued or charged with crimes when the fuck us over.

 So how do we take back our power? It's very simple and no blood has to spill. Stop participating. Look, if we stop voting for any clown running for office, I mean not even show up at the polls, what kind of chill would run up the spines of those who keep this voting illusion alive. They will not know what to do. They have these selected candidates who have spent millions on selling their lies to you, and no one shows up to vote. This would have a far reaching message to those behind the scenes that really run the show.

 Stop joining the military. We don't have a draft in the U.S. because there is no shortage of stupid people who are hypnotized by media spin and get all pumped up about going to a foreign country and killing people. They do this out of fear even though they seem to be over dosing on testosterone, they fear the boogie man might bring it to us so they go there to kill first ask questions later. How stupid does one have to be to think it's a good idea to join the military in today's world? Constant wars, conflict, and killing going on all over the world, yet our prez can receive the Nobel  Peace prize in his first term.

 Freedom does have a cost, but that does not mean having a slaughter house military. They keep killing them and we keep sending them more. Why? Our military is supposed to be for the protection of the home front, not forcing democracy onto other countries. Unless they are attacking us on our own soil, it is none of our business. This moral obligation card they keep playing is bullshit. We have a moral obligation not to kill our sons and daughters fighting wars that do not involve attacks here on our land.

 The way to take back our power comes when we finally say enough and stop voting for the crooks, and stop letting our children sign up to die in other countries so the war machine can profit. America spends more on military than all the other countries combined! Do you understand this? Like any business, you don't spend money if you are not making profit. They pay for defense with tax money, yet the people who profit from war do so by selling war machines and food service and weapons of every kind. Who are these people? It's not surprising that most defense contractors have for board members former senate, congress, and presidents. And the rich keep getting richer because we are stupid and do not think.

 It's time to wake the fuck up, start thinking, and put these bastards our of business by non-participation. What are they going to do, force us to vote, force us to carry on their wars? Imagine the message these two things alone would send. There are hundreds of ways to stop participating, but these two need to be first, and they will know then what it is like to be shocked and awed for a change.

1 comment:

  1. Let's figure out a way to make this happen! They use propaganda, so can we, only it will be the real truth. I agree 100% that these two actions alone, if participated by the majority of the population would reverse the order of things. But yet I also sense that the majority is already lost and caught up in the external world. When you talked about how the external is what we see and it's false, and the internal is what we need to see which is a mirror reflection of who we really are and not what we are programmed to be, really made a lot of sense to me. ( I am referring to something you posted on Facebook). It made a lot of sense to me. That mind set alone would change the hearts of millions, because it would change their minds from being a computer being programmed into a free thinking all truth knowing outlook. Great blog!
