Monday, October 7, 2013

Level of awareness

 Part III of Vision with a message will come soon. For now I want to post about a vision I had years ago that is starting to mean something to me now.

 I was relaxing in my bedroom just allowing my mind to drift where ever, not holding any thought for more than a second and suddenly I was standing on what looked like a window sill. It was just the frame, no glass, and I was looking out into what looked like space except it was totally black. Suddenly illuminated objects were coming from the blackness showing themselves to me and moving past out of sight.

 Things like E=MC2 and great inventions were revealed to me. Then I started hearing answers to questions I was just about to ask. Understand what I just said. The answers were arriving before I even thought about asking. But the second I had the answer I knew I was about to ask it, if this makes sense. I was left with such a powerful feeling of awe, as if I had been communicating with God the creator.

 There is a lot more to the vision but language does not have a way to explain the rest, it was beyond words. It's like the old saying, you had to be there. So recently I heard a statement that brought me back to that vision and it was trying to tell me something again. After some thought it seems to me that what I am getting from this is the following..

 Everything exist in potential. This is what physics and quantum physics proves. Every ingredient is available in the spirit world to produce everything imaginable. Just like a food recipe, one cup of this and a half cup of that, a teaspoon of something else and a tablespoon of something else and you mix it together and it manifest physical objects. If you expand your awareness into the deep soup of all the ingredients you can produce things like binary code for computers, or flying machines, etc.

 Our current awareness is at a very low level because we have not been told how to tap into our true power. This is a dark secret of the elite and they do not want the average person to have this knowledge, so it has been suppressed. Sometimes we slip into the vast awareness by mistake and that's when great discoveries are made. Do you understand how amazing technology is today? I am using a computer to create this blog and it will be posted on the world wide web and anyone who has my blog address can read it anywhere in the world. All becuse people had an awareness beyond our normal limited one we deal with daily.

 They came up with Binary Code using ones and zeros, in certain order, which is then translated by the computer into words and images we can understand using our senses. If you know how to expand your awareness you could be the next Bill Gates and become a billionaire. Or better, become the person who discovers a way to feed and shelter the worlds hungry and homeless.

 Today we have a war on everything. Everything except what matters. Why is there no war on homelessness, or a war on hunger? Because they can't figure out a way to profit from it. Those who know the secret of awareness are dark greedy and sick people who only see how they can profit off of others lack of knowledge. They have no heart. When the average person looks at a picture of Mal-nourished children we feel such a strong sense of sadness  and our soul cries out for them. When some of the elite looks at the same picture they see people who didn't work hard enough to achieve better things for themselves. It matters not that they have no way of educating them self or resources to start a business. It matters not they were born into poverty and live their life in poverty isolated from the world. To those who have so much abundance 1000 generations from now will still have plenty, those starving children are getting what they deserve.

 The world seems cruel and heartless today because we live such a sheltered life compared to those in third world countries. As Terence McKenna said, people are waiting on the apocalypse when it has already happened. People living in third world countries are facing the apocalypse every day.

 That's all for now. G