Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Why I believe in magic

 When I say magic, I'm not talking pull a rabbit out of your hat magic. I'm not talking about illusions done on a stage where a cape is used to make the assistant disappear. No, the magic I believe in is a very powerful magic. So powerful, it goes undetected, and yet continues to hold everyone, at least the vast majority, under some kind of weird spell that causes them to see what is not there and not see what is there. Like a hypnotist that places his subjects in a trance like state, where they still interact as usual, hold intelligent conversations, but at the snap of his finger, will cluck like a chicken then deny they ever did such a thing.

 Anyone who is partially awake, or to state it differently, anyone who is not under this spell so deep they can't see things, must know something is just not right. You may not know what that is, but you just know it doesn't seem right. People all over the world are in a trance like state. Watch their faces as you go by, when they are unaware of you observing. They stare off at distant objects or they are dazed by something shiny or someone dressed a certain way.  There is something wrong and the only thing that explains it so it makes some kind of sense is, the world is under a magic spell. It's not good magic either. No it is dark and evil magic.

 Those very few elites who are hell bent on taking total control of earth and all it's resources have been following a certain plan or blueprint that has everything carefully thought out. Even though some of these elite are highly intelligent, this master plan far exceeds any plan man can come up with. Therefore it must be the master magician that guides them, and they must know this entity is very real, since they have invested so much time and effort over many generations to bring these plans to where we are today. So yes, I believe in magic, and the magician is a very dark force running free throughout the planet selecting temporary magicians to help manifest the events laid out in a master plan stretching over thousands of years.

 If you understand any of this, you are one of the few lucky ones not entirely overwhelmed by the spell. Look around you. How powerful must this spell be to have such a strong hold on the minds of so many. And then, if anyone partially awake tries to warn you, they are laughed at, ridiculed, sent to the psycho ward, or just ignored as a lunatic. The nut in the basement typing out a manifesto of whacky conspiracies. That is one powerful spell my friend. There is something wrong with the world today, and most people don't even know it. I wish I could snap my fingers and everyone would wake up, but it doesn't work. Something must be done, and very soon. If you are waiting to be saved when super God swoops down and carries you off to heaven at the last minute, good luck. God can't save us if we do not know the truth. We are covered in lies and hiding from God. This world is built on lies and until or if we ever realize it, we are at the mercy of this dark force.

 This dark force has no mercy. That's why we keep allowing the masters top people to use our children to fight wars, kill and kill more, overwhelm us with bullshit, feed us propaganda through the media, and put on the magic show that makes people believe their vote counts, that those at the top have our best interest at heart, and that everything will be ok if you just believe, just believe, just believe. Belief that you are in heaven will not change the fact if you are in hell. As a great mind once said, "A belief is not an idea the mind possesses. It is an idea that possesses the mind." Google that to find out who said it, I forget, but what he said is very powerful. A belief possesses your mind, and from all the years I've researched how the mind works, that statement is 100% correct. About 500 years ago the entire world thought the earth was flat. It didn't matter that we now know that is not true. They believed it and that belief was so powerful you could be put in prison for stating otherwise. Ask Galileo, life under house arrest when he discovered we revolve around the sun instead of what the bible said. Yes, the church was, is and forever will be in charge of this world, and their master is not who they tell you it is. No sir, but you didn't hear that from me. Peace, good luck, I hope it's not too late. General Meek, ha ha! 

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