Saturday, August 18, 2012

Ye are Gods

Dogs have puppies, Cats have kittens and Gods have godlings. I read that in a book called, Jung to live by. It was written by Eugene Pascal. Very good book, I highly recommend it. It talks about many concepts of Carl Jung, one of the greatest thinkers in the past hundred years. So using this godling metaphor, first I want to say, you are not the God of creation. But you are not much different in many ways. The biggest difference is in scale. Take the ocean for example. Dip out a cup of ocean water and have it analyzed. It contains all the properties of the ocean, but it cannot support the life that an ocean can. It's a much smaller scale. Our bodies are home to billions of cells, many different kinds of cells. They are designed for life, the image of God. Whenever a flu virus enters the body, cells begin attacking it trying to eliminate it as quickly as possible. Now all the different cells in our body have different functions. But they do not kill each other off just because they can like humans do.

These cells depend on you to keep them healthy and strong in order to do their job within your body. So you are the god of these billions of cells. White cells, red cells, t-cells etc. These are like the different races of humans. As far as I know, which I'm far from an expert in biology, none of these cells have prejudice against the others and try to prevent them from being themselves. There's no double lines at the water fountain, one for white cells and one for red cells. And I'm quite sure none of them declare war on the others and try to eliminate them totally and take their oil, I mean resources.

 You do not have to make your heart pump blood through the circulatory system, and you do not consciously make your lungs inhale and exhale. All the body functions just do it out of a knowing. We are not conscious of this part of ourselves. You see, believe it or not, within each of us is a divine spirit that runs the whole show covertly. But the problem is, we do have influence over how it does these functions. Just like a self fulfilling prophecy, if you mentally keep telling yourself you have cancer, guess what? Your body will develop cancer. The divine spirit does not distinguish between good and evil, light and dark. It does things on auto pilot unless we direct it to do otherwise. Giving us exactly what we ask for. In this way you are the god of your own world.

 When we are born into physical beings, we begin transforming ourselves according to the outside influences. A Jewish child will most likely  turn out doing the same things their parents did keeping the tradition alive. Just like a Christian family will begin from the day of their child's birth teaching that child their own beliefs, and that child has no choice but to be heavily influenced by parents and their beliefs. A baby has total trust in the care givers and believe what they tell them. And with every religion, they all claim to be the only correct one and that is impossible. Yet not one even considers their own beliefs to be the wrong one. But all of them must be if one claims to be. You see, a universal religion is the only one God the creator would approve of. Not one based on where on the earth you were born, what color your skin is, or what silly belief you hold as sacred.

 If God created religion, it would be so self evident that no one would misunderstand it, no one would be excluded, and it would be of such simplicity that anyone at any level of intelligence would be able to know it is of God. Any religion that has a polar opposite to it is false. God is balance, dark and light balanced creating perfect harmony and trinity. When light and dark are completely equal and joined like in a dance, balance is automatic, which completes trinity. Light plus Dark plus Balance equals trinity. I have never understood how a human being could possibly believe God is prejudice, or shows favorites. God is life, God is love, God is peace, God is forgiveness, etc. etc. And most of all, God does not hate. How anyone cannot get that is beyond my understanding. I see people with bible quotes on signs outside places and they place their own words in there as if they have permission to speak for God, and they claim God Hates Fags, or God hates infidels and other nonsense. Only man knows how to hate period.

 Only man benefits from most of the quotes taken out of context in the bibles. Like men being superior over women. REALLY? OK, let us eliminate women all together then and see how long we last! Oh, that's right, they bare our children giving life to every generation. Doesn't sound inferior to me. I sure and fuck couldn't carry a newborn for nine months and squeeze it out my ass, but maybe some of you other men could! Only man would make such statements.  But from the moment we are born the transformation begins. Our eyes open, shiny keys are dangled before our eyes and we go into a trance for life. Turn your TV on and have your families favorite program on, excuse yourself, go out side peer in so they do not know you are watching them, and see how amazed they are at this magic box. Their eyes widen, pupils dilate and blank stares form. Why do you think they call it programing?

 We are all so deep into this system of influence, even bringing it to your attention will not help. You'll find a way to brush it off as just another crazy conspiracy theory and I probably have a suicide manifesto prepared. Sorry, no such luck. I am crazy, but only because you cannot be sane in an insane world, it drives you crazy.
                                               Peace and good luck. i c the tao ( I see the WAY)   

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