Friday, October 26, 2012

Living in the wrong world

 Are we living in the wrong world?  Strange question right?  But think about this; In the story of Adam and Eve, once we choose to eat from the tree of knowledge everything changed didn't it?  We went from walking along side God to being separated from God when we were kicked out of the garden. I'm going to make this post short so here's what I'm thinking, God is spirit, spirit dwells in the mental world of thought. Outside the mental world is the physical world of matter. Are we spirits trapped in matter outside the spirit world, under a powerful spell and given artificial light to create the illusion of this reality? We do not believe in fairy tales, and we do not believe anything exist if we cannot detect it with one of our senses.  We only have to listen and we could hear God speaking in a whisper, and God is saying, "WAKE UP, it's a trick by the master of deception and you keep repeating the same mistakes, how can you not know that you've done this many times before? You are on your own until you realize you are beyond my reach. You must come back inside and find me and then you will be truly free. But you won't listen, why?" The light is within and only artificial light exist here in the physical world. You went from a dream to a nightmare, and the worse part about it is, it is dressed up like some kind of weird paradise and you believe it's the only reality. I wish I knew the magic words to wake you up, but I don't. No one will wake up as long as they are unaware that they are asleep. Just because you believe you are awake doesn't make it so. Peace.

1 comment:

  1. Phenomenal post! The part about spirits trapped in matter outside the spirit world, really struck my inner core. There is something so profound about that statement. You are correct about one of the many important isssues you've addressed here....its time to look inward and Wake Up. Its time to flip the switch ( turn the artificial one off) and see the real light.
