Saturday, December 15, 2012


 I hope this blog about hope will give you some hope. Lets look at this curious word. The first entry on


[hohp] Show IPA noun, verb, hoped, hop·ing.
the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best: to give up hope.
THE FEELING, is very important here. Also one of the word origins comes from "wish". Wish and hope are fairy tale words, and when they are used to pacify the masses, they seem to have great power. False hope seems to be holding us captive in a trance like state so that the State, can continue business as usual. I'm going to let you in on a big secret. This secret will reveal to you the way to know real hope from false hope. 
Shhhhh. Keep this to yourself, we would not want this to get into the wrong hands, and people would actually use this to help shake them loose from this mad world. Real hope is never spoken. 
 It is not a word that causes your eyes to glaze over and your mind to imagine a different world. Real hope comes from within and just like the dictionary states, it is a feeling, not an actual tangible object. Hope arises only when true people of honor are taking action to make this a better world. Not because some slick politician wants to get elected to office. Real hope has not been around for a very long time. In fact, JFK was the last president who caused the people to have real hope and you see what happened to him.
 In America, people see this kind of information as conspiracy theories, or just the ranting of a nut job. They march as if proud to the polls every election and pick their candidate for various offices, and almost every time it is between two parties, Democrat and Republican. And they have the feeling of hope when their candidate wins. But hope soon fades in the shadows of reality when very little gets done and the snail pace of change never materializes, because to change it would mean giving up power, and we sure don't want the common man to have real hope now do we? 
 I've watched so many elections come and go over the years and one thing is for certain. They all do and say the same things in different ways and the people like fish, grab the bait and run. But it's too late because the hook has us and now all they have to do is reel us in. By the way, for all you hope and change sheeple that are still looking for that hope and change, sorry, you are out of luck. I mean come on, the president has for his cabinet members the same crooks from Wall Street that got us in this mess to begin with. And they won't be happy until they have it all. And they will get it too, you watch. They are coming after Social Security which is money you paid in, and they will get it. So while you are hoping for change, you may want to just hope you have a little change left when they get done. 

1 comment:

  1. Well said. It's so sad and very frustrating to know that this is going on right in front of our eyes but people are incapable of seeing this but I also realize it's not their own eyes they are seeing the world through considering their eyes have been shut from the get go. Once your own eyes have been opened to all the madness and lies and "false hope" and all the other bs that is spewed out upon us on a constant basis you can see right through the all the bs clear as day, but your the one that ends up being labeled as a crazy nut job. Things are so backwards in this world.
