Monday, August 29, 2011

Waking up is hard to do

Waking up is hard to do...By icthetao 08/29/11
 Wars, terrorist, economical disasters, high unemployment, people snapping daily worldwide throwing their kids off buildings, into the ocean, killing over road rage, you name it, it is going on now. I find myself in a very strange world indeed.
 The Gov't of the U.S. took tax money, the people's money, and gave it to banks and auto manufacturers to keep them from bankruptcy. The banks have been ripping us off for years, the auto industry have been ripping us off for years, (once Toyota began producing better quality cars it hurt American auto makers who had the knowledge, ability, and means to produce better quality cars, they didn't out of greed until Japan started hurting them.

 They did not have an ounce of shame or sorrow for cheating us for all those years with cheap parts which would have to be replaced often, low quality materials which would wear out fast, and high consumption engines when the technology for better mileage, alternative fuel, and so many other ways they were ripping off hard working, honest people for years.

 Banks, well we all know they are thieves. But this is only a tiny sliver of the multiple ways we are being taken. We are paying high prices for basic goods like bread, meat, clothes, etc. Nike makes millions because they have their shoes made in countries where two dollars a day with keep a small family from starving to death and people, even children will work just to eat a meal. But even though they are saving big bucks on labor, their shoes still demand a high price just because it says Nike on them. And you have big celebrities endorsing them like Michael Jordan.

 And we can't wait to buy them up. As soon as a new product comes out from a name brand item, people are camping out all night just to be among the first to buy it. How absurd. You have to wear this brand jeans, or this line of clothing to show the world you are not a loser. I have news for you. If you are that shallow, you're already the BIGGEST LOSER, but because you are joined by 90% of the population, you think you are all that and then some.

 People will say they are not better than anyone else yet at the same time they demand whatever says they have it but you don't by way of appearances. They sit in front of their 60 inch television set, hooked up to a two thousand dollar sound system, watching programs from their 150 dollar per month cable or satellite eating health food snacks that is going to poison them more than regular food in the long run, and they look at people who do your lawn or clean your house as losers.

  Is the Government looking out for you?
Let me give you an example of how your honest gov't has your best interest at heart. Back in the seventies when the first major "energy crisis" happened. Suddenly we were told to conserve energy, in the Mid-West, programs were available to insulate your home, close off areas that were open to wind, and the big one, your city or county gas company, a local gov't institution sent letters to all residents demanding they change their vent pipes on furnaces from 6 inch to 4 inch. Suddenly it was discovered that you would use less energy with a 4 inch vent, and save money too. Before that, the gas company was making big bucks on your ignorance of this fact.

 Are you starting to see a pattern here? Gov't is a business, banks are a business, church is a business, and all big companies and corporations are business's and that busines is, and always has been, always will be, the business to take as much of your money as possible with the least amount of product return. And they can because you and I have never been privy to the truth. Just look at all politicians and celebrities and wealthy people. All of them with few exceptions live well into their 90's and even 100. The rest of us last max 75 to 80 years with some exceptions. When you total the number of them and average the years lived and do the same for the rest of us it is an average of 20 years more. 20 years they extend their life because they know something we do not.  I'm not saying it's always a good thing to live that much longer, but most of them don't really have health issues up until the last two years.

 Finally, let's look at wars. History is overwhelmed with wars. Let us just start at Iraq. At first everyone thought Iraq had something to do with 911. They did not. Then the WMD scare. Nothing like weapons of mass destruction to raise heart rates and cause massive panics nationwide. There were no WMD. Same old trick, and it always works. We just couldn't wait. We even bypassed the U.N. and against their advice we shocked and awed a country that's just a little over twice the size of Idaho, with a population of 26 million people. About the same population as Texas. Imagine that.

 We are already in two known conflicts, Iraq and Afghanistan, and they know we would start stirring in our sleep if they threw us into another, so they pretend that Libya is having a revolution and we are only trying to help the rebels create a democracy, and shazam, we are now at war in Libya unofficially of course. All these countries have one huge thing in common. Lots and lots of OIL.

Will we the people benefit from our troops taking over all these oil rich countries one by one? On the contrary. We are addicted to oil, they are stealing it one country at a time so they can make it so expensive we the people won't be able to afford it. Which will cause a ripple effect on the cost of food and everything else. Then the hidden agenda will be revealed. They plan to thin out the population by starving us to death.  I'll end this introduction with a great quote.

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; The other is to refuse to believe what is true." -Soren Kierkegaard..  For most of us we are double fooled. We believe what isn't true and refuse to believe what is. Peace, GW

1 comment:

  1. Turn your brains on everyone, stop living in a fog and refusing to face the truth. Why is everyone so afraid that all of this might be true. We are the citizens of the United States of America. We have the right and the ability to take back what is ours. We are not their slaves, but we have let them make us into one. It's time to wake up, and face the TRUTH......
